Chapter 23

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That was shocking to them all. They haven't known about that and that might bring up a problem.

"He can only fight once?" Jack was the first to find his voice. The coach nodded.
"Kayson has to fight", the coach said then. It was silent in the room. Everyone listened to their conversation.

"Kayson's still not here", Kayla explained. 
"Where is he when we need him?", Raffael cursed. 
"I'm here", a voice beamed through the training room, making everyone turn in that direction. Kayson stood there, looking mad. "A few guys grabbed me and locked me up so I couldn't come to the fight."

"Are you okay?", Kayla asked worried, walking to her brother. 
"I'm good, don't worry", he calmed down his sister, putting his arm around her. Then he looked at the Pure's. "Jason, Tyson, Nick, and Michel looked me up."

"Shit!", Cole cursed. "I told you to not pull any stupid stunt." He looked down at his brother. Obviously, he didn't know what had happened. 
"You did and we decided not to listen so that we would win for sure", Tyson answered calmly. He knew that it wasn't a good idea to mess with Cole when he was mad. 

"They cheated. They can't do that", Zack complained. 
"We never set such rules. They can." 
"We can't change it. Let's go on. Kayson will fight against Cole", Jayden stopped the fight from breaking out. 

"I can't fight. My arm hurts. I guess it's nothing serious, but I can't move it without any pain." In all the mess no one had realized that Kayson was holding his arm. "Sorry, guys. I can try, but I won't ever win."

"What now?", Jack asked. 
"You can choose someone else. Doesn't have to be someone from the class", the coach told them. The question was just who would do it. The best boxers already fought and no one of the others could take it up with Cole.

"We just don't know any other boxer", Jack pointed out.
"I'll do it." Stunned they looked at Saphira. "I'll fight against Cole."
"No way!", her brothers disagreed immediately.
"You won't fight. It's too dangerous." 

"Jayden's right, Saphi. Cole will hurt you and you don't even know how to fight", Jack supported his brother and stepped next to his sister. "If he hurts you, I'm freaking out."

"He won't hurt me and I actually know how to fight", she told them, but they didn't seem convinced. "I got this and you need someone anyways. I'm a good fighter and I'll win for sure."

Jayden looked at her doubting. Not doubting if she could do it or not. He might never have seen her fight, but he trusted her word. It was rather that he debated if he could risk his little sister getting hurt. The hell, they wouldn't care if she lost. 

They just thought about letting her do it because she wanted to. 
"Let her do it. She got it", Mr. Halfblood supported his daughter, the boys looked at him shocked. 

"God, I have seen my daughter fight and she can do this." The boys thought about it for a couple of seconds but eventually agreed. 
"Okay. Cole Pure against Saphira Halfblood", the coach announced while she climbed into the ring and walked over to Cole.  

"Wait a minute. I can't fight against her", Cole said now. 
"Why?" Saphira raised an eyebrow, knowing what was to come. "Because I'm a girl?" Cole ran his fingers through his hair, looking a little overwhelmed with the situation.

"No. Yes. Not just because of that. I like you, we're friends. I don't wanna hurt you."
"Don't worry. You won't hit me." 
"You're pretty confident there", he stated, crossing his arms.
"Yes, I am", she replied with a smile. 

"Take it easy, man. She's not me." Then Jayden stepped closer to Cole and whispered so only he could hear. "Don't you dare hurt her too much. Just defeat her. If you need to fight me, we do that afterwards." Saphira rolled her eyes. He was more protective than Tom. 

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