Chapter 1 Hermione's arrival

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Once I disaparated from my house I found myself stood in front of a tall mis- shapen building that looked as though it had once been a large stone shack, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high. Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lop-sided sign was stuck in the ground near the entrance that read 'The Burrow'. Round the front door lay a jumble of Wellington boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard where I stood.

I picked up my suitcase from beside me and then I headed towards the worn front door of The Burrow, and knocked on it using the rusted Gryffin shaped knocker. Within seconds there was shuffling of feet and muffled voices coming from the other side of the door. Then suddenly the door was swung open revealing Mrs Weasley who took no time at all to engulf me in one of her bone crushing hugs.

"Hermione dear, it's so good to have you here for Christmas" said Mrs Weasley once she released me from her vice grip.

"It' s good to be here, it doesn't feel like Christmas yet though it's not even cold" I replied smiling at her.

"I know just what you mean dear, now Ginny should be in her room we have the spare bed all set up for you in there, so just go straight up and put your stuff away. Dinner should be ready soon" said Mrs Weasley as she closed the door behind me.

I nodded before I made my way upstairs heading to Ginny's room when I heard voices from the floor above me and seconds later Fred and George came bounding down the stairs. George caught sight of me first and nudged Fred who was just staring at me.

"Hello Fred, hello George" I said smiling.

"Hi 'Mione" they said in unison, both smiling at me.

"How's the pranking Ron doing" I asked thinking of the last prank they pulled on Ron.

"Good, but we're sort of running out of ideas, we just can't think of pranks to compare to our other pranks" said George looking glumly at Fred who just nodded in agreement.

"Well if it helps I have some muggle and magic prank ideas you could use but I'm gonna have to tell you them later. I've got to go and talk to Ginny now, but I'll see you later yeah?" I replied.

Throughout the time I was speaking Fred and George's smiles had grown wider and wider, "Yeah that would be great 'Mione, we'll talk later thank you so much" said Fred as he followed George downstairs.

I turned around and opened the door to Ginny's room, the room was a fair size and the space was occupied by two twin beds, a large wardrobe, two sets of Chester draws and a large window on the far wall facing the Burrows orchard where we play Quidditch.

When Ginny saw me she squeeled and ran over to me pulling me into a friendly hug.

"Hey 'Mione" she said before releasing me.

"Hey Gin" I replied as I put my suitcase at the bottom of my bed.

"Wow you look gorgeous. I love what your wearing and it looks like you've tamed your hair aswell" she said looking at my black vest top, the denim jacket, my denim shorts and my white converses.

"Yeah, my mum bought me a whole new wardrobe, and we went to the salon and got my hair sorted so its not the bushy mess it used to be, you like it?" I asked.

"Like it? I love it, you look hot" replied Ginny.


hope you liked it the next chapter will be posted soon xoxox

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