Chapter 14 Christmas Day Part 2

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OK here's part two be prepared to meet Hermione's over protective twin, Luke. Hope you like it please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D


Fred's POV

After all the presents had been opened the rest of the morning went by very fast and before we new it, it was midday and mum was shouting us down stairs for the Christmas dinner.

All of us quickly took our seats before piling our plates high with all sorts of yummy foods. There was the large turkey, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, roasted vegetables, stuffing, pigs in blankets, gravy, butterbeer and much more. Mum definitely went crazy with the meal this year but I definitely wasn't complaining. We all started eating and talking. We also started pulling our crackers with each other and took it in turns to tell the jokes that were inside them. After around forty minutes everyone was finished eating and my dad stood up holding his glass in his hand ready to say his traditional Christmas day speech. Everyone went silent so my dad could speak.

"To start with I would just like to say that this has been the best Christmas at the Burrow yet and I'm looking forward to spending the next Christmas with you all. Now I would like to make a toast to Bill and Fleur we would all like to wish you a very happy life together and we all look forward to the wedding day" said my dad as we all clapped before he continued, "And secondly I would like to remind all of you that guests will be arriving for the party at 6 o'clock and its 1o'clock already and the decorations still need to be put up. So everyone will be decorating the outside of the Burrow as the party will be outside, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred and George will help me set up tables and will hang the lights, so let's get to work". Once my dad finished speaking we all made our way outside to get started.

After we finished decorating the garden I hardly recognized it. There were tables and chairs scattered around the garden, the tables were covered with multiple different party foods and drinks, there was even a very small amount of muggle alcohol which everyone was desperate to see Hermione and Harry drink. There was lots of fairy lights hanging from the trees in the garden and some lanterns were charmed to float above the party area. In the middle of the garden there was a large space that was going to be used as the dancing zone. There was also a small stage near the Burrow that was going to be for Hermione's muggle DJ friend so he could play the music at the party. I had to admit it looked great.

Suddenly everyone's attention became fixed on a blue car that just arrived, once the car was parked next to my dad's car. The drivers car door opened and a boy about my age climbed out. He was just smaller than me and looked quite lanky, he had messy blonde hair and was wearing muggle jeans, a yellow shirt, a leather jacket and for some reason he was wearing muggle headphones around his neck. He began to walk towards us and waved at someone behind me. Before I could turn around Hermione walked towards him and gave him a friendly hug.

"Heya, glad you could make it" said Hermione.

"Hi Mia, I'm glad you invited me. Is Luke coming?" he asked.

"Yeah he's coming later, oh before I forget you can set up your gear over there on that stage, but first I'll introduce you to everyone" she said to him before guiding him towards the rest of us.

"Guys, this is Eric, he's one of my best friends, he's going to DJ tonight" she said introducing him.

"Hi" we all chorused before he nodded to each of us in greeting.

"Right well I better set my gear up, I'll talk to you later Mia" he said before walking towards his car.

"Mia?" asked Ron looking confused.

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