Chapter 16 The Party Ends

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OK everyone here's chapter 16, hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D


Hermione's POV

After the whole Luke nearly mauling Fred thing, Luke pulled me away onto the dance floor and we started to slow dance together.

"So how long have you liked Fred?" asked Luke smirking at me.

"Since about a year ago" I replied.

"Really?" asked Luke.

"Yeah... So are you staying here tonight or are you going home?" I asked as we continued dancing.

"Well I already ran into Mrs Weasley and she said I can sleep in Harry and Ron's room tonight, so I guess I'll stay here tonight" said Luke.

"I've missed you so much" I said as I hugged him.

"I've missed you too Hermione, argh it's been horrible being away from you" he replied as we continued to dance.

"Have you spoken to Eric yet?" I asked.

"No not yet, have you tried any alcohol yet?" asked Luke smirking at me.

"No and I don't intend to. I'm just going to have butterbeer. I really don't want to start stripping in front of my second family thanks" I replied.

"Well you don't have a problem stripping in front of your real family" said Luke in a joking voice.

"Oh shut up" I said as I whacked him on his arm lightly.

"Well if you don't mind I'm going to get a drink and speak to Eric, I'll see you later" he said before kissing my cheek and walking towards the drink table. I watched him walk away before I walked off to find Luna and Ginny.

After three hours it was getting late, so everyone began to apparate to their homes. Bill and the twins carried Luke up to Ron's room because he past out from all the alcohol he drank. I followed behind them with Harry, Ron and Ginny. I tucked Luke into bed and kissed his fore head before muttering goodnight to Harry and Ron. Bill went to bed, Ginny went ahead to our room leaving me and the twins standing in the middle of the hall.

"Right, well I'm off to bed, Goodnight Fred, Goodnight George" I said before I kissed Fred goodnight.

"See you in the morning 'Mione" they said before I walked away from them to my room.

I had brushed my teeth and changed into a pair of plaid pyjama pants and one of Luke's oversized shirts before I crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Hope you liked it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D I know it was short but the next chapter will be longer.

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