Chapter 23 Visiting The Joke Shop

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OK here's chapter 23 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D


Hermione's POV

I pushed open the door to Weasleys wizards wheezes and was suddenly met with the sudden bright lights from the shop, loud bangs from joke products and the shouting and laughing from the sea of customers that swarmed the twins' joke shop.

I smiled to myself when I saw George stood at the front counter serving customers. I walked towards him, pushing through the crowd of people as I went. Once I got closer he spotted me and waved me over.

"Hello my dear sister in law" said George in his normal cheery voice.

"Hi my brilliant brother in law" I replied grinning at him.

"Are you looking for my other half, also known as your fiance" he asked me as he proceeded to serve the next customer.

"Yeah I am, do you know where he is?" I asked him.

"Yeah he's upstairs in our flat working on a new product, you can just go straight up there if you want" he said.

"Yeah I will, thanks George" I said.

"Your Welcome 'Mione" he replied.

I waved goodbye to George before I walked towards the backroom and up the stairs to the twins' flat. Once I made it to the top of the stairs I knocked on the front door and then entered when I heard Fred's familiar voice shouting for me to come in.

"Oh hi gorgeous" said Fred as he winked at me from where he was sat on the living room floor with a cauldron in front of him.

"Hello handsome" I replied before putting my bag on the sofa and sitting next to him on the floor.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were meeting Luke's match today with him" he asked.

"I did go with him and I met his match Chloe, I decided to leave them alone for a while so they can get to know each other better" I replied.

"Can you tell if he likes her or not?" He asked.

"I know my twin better than myself and I know that he likes her, and maybe one day he might love her, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens" I said.

"Well I'm just overjoyed that I'm one of the lucky few who gets to marry my dream girl" he said before he kissed me lovingly on the lips.

"I'm overjoyed too, but I'm slightly worried about when you have to meet my dad" I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Fred.

"Well you know Luke was overprotective, well my dad is a lot worse than him" I replied.

"Wait so your saying that I probably will get punched this time?" asked Fred.

"Probably not, but you never know" I said smiling at him.

"Well as long as your there to protect me from your dad I'll be absolutely fine" he said before he pulled me towards him and rested his head against mine.


OK there it is hope you liked it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D

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