Chapter 8 Showers

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Ok here's Chapter 8 I hope you like it xxx I would like to thank my best friend Chloe for writing this chapter for me she's an amazing writer and I recommend that you read her story:


Hermione's POV

When the food fight calmed down and we stopped throwing things at one another, we noticed the mess in the kitchen. There were egg's splattered everywhere, the same with the flour. If my parent's come home and see this mess, i'll be grounded for weeks!

"Oh no Fred! Look at the mess we've caused." I gasped, putting my face in my hands.

"No problem, I'll use magic." Fred said, while pulling out his wand from his robe he wore, "scourify" he said as he casted the spell, and soon the kitchen was cleaning itself.

"We're going to have to take a shower, we're covered in egg's and flour!" I giggled. "You can use the main bathroom on the second floor, while I'll use my one in my room." I said, dropping my hands away from my face and at my sides.

I showed Fred the bathroom, and I went into mine. It only took me 15 minuites to get all the mess off me in the shower. I then changed into some clean clothes which were some skinny jeans, a white tank top and baby blue converses.

As I headed to see if Fred was ready, I remembered that he may need some clothes to wear since his were messy. I grabbed some of Luke's clothes, he was roughly the same size as Fred.

I headed towards the bathroom where Fred was, when I suddenly stumbled and fell into something. I looked up and noticed that it was Fred who I had fallen on. I stood straight and picked up the clothes I had dropped.

I glanced at Fred and noticed that he only had a towel round his waist. I blushed like a tomato and started to talk." Sorry, I.. I thought you might need some.. er.. clothes. These are Lukes, they should fit."I said, while glancing at Fred.

"Thank's." He said, with a grin and disappeared back into the bathroom to change.

I groaned. Why does he have to be so hot? It's not like he'll ever fall for a girl like me. I signed and walked downstairs.


There it is hope you liked it, remember to read my friend Chloe's story xoxox The next chapter will be posted soon.

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