Chapter 11 Christmas Eve Part 1

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OK here's chapter 11 hope you like it please comment your ideas for anything that I can add or change in my story, thank you!! xxx


Fred's POV

Once I carried Hermione inside and told my mum what happened my mum had cleared all the remaining water from Hermione's lungs, dried her clothes and hair using a drying spell and gave her a potion to relieve her headache.

"Are you sure your OK dear?" asked my mum to Hermione, who was layed on the sofa wrapped in a blanket.

"Yes Mrs Weasley, I'm fine thanks to Fred" she said as she smiled at me.

"Oh I'm so proud of you Fred, saving Hermione like that, you are such a good boy" said my mum as she patted my cheek affectionately.

"Anytime" I said winking at Hermione who chuckled quietly from her place on the sofa.

"Well I better start dinner. Fred, could you carry Hermione upstairs to her and Ginny's room please she needs to rest" asked my mum.

"Sure, come on 'Mione" I said as I lifted her up bridal style and started to carry her up the stairs. I walked into Ginny's room and placed Hermione on her bed before tucking her in.

"Thank you again Fred" said Hermione before she reached up and kissed me on my cheek. I couldn't help but grin like a fool. When she pulled back she was also grinning at me.

"Your very welcome Hermione, also I... I was wondering if...if..Well.." I said trailing off due to my nerves.

"What is it?" asked Hermione frowning.

I took a deep breath before saying "I wanted to know if you would be my date for the Christmas party?" I asked.

"I'd love to Fred" she said smiling up at me.

"Great, You better get some rest, OK?" I said.

"OK" she replied.

I smiled at her before I turned around and walked into the hallway closing the bedroom door behind me. I knew I was grinning like an idiot at that moment, I was so happy that she had said yes to being my date. I had to tell George I thought, before I walked up the next flight of stairs hoping to find him in our room.


OK there it is, I know it was short but the next chapter will be longer. Please comment, vote and Fan xxx

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