Chapter 10 The Camp Out

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OK here's chapter 10, There's a bit more drama in this chapter so I hope you like it. Please comment, vote and Fan... I fan back xxx


Hermione POV

About an hour after we all got outside we all managed to help set up our three tents, the green one was for Ginny and I, the grey one was for Fred and George and the blue one was for Harry and Ron. We all put our rucksacks inside our respective tents and set up our sleeping bags inside them.

After our tents were set up, Fred, George and Ron went to collect fire wood whilst Harry, Ginny and I set up some large logs around where the camp fire was going to be so we could sit on them. We decided not to use magic for the camp out so we set everything up without using any magic, including lighting the fire. When Fred, George and Ron arrived back with the fire wood, they set it in the centre of the circle of logs and after twenty long minutes Harry managed to light the fire using two stones he found nearby.

"Well that took long enough" said George sarcastically as he rubbed his hands together over the warm fire.

"Yep, I don't see why we couldn't have used magic" grumbled Ron with a mouth full of roasted marshmallow.

"Yuck, Ron could you please not talk with you mouth full it's disgusting.... and you can't use magic for everything" I replied feeling sick with Ron's table manners.

"I guess..." mumbled Ron.

"And besides it's more fun" said Ginny who was bouncing excitedly in her seat beside me.

It was much darker by now. We all sat around the camp fire roasting marshmallows and making smores. We laughed at Fred and George's jokes and talked about everything we could think of at the time. Eventually Ginny announced that we should be heading inside the tents to bed, we all agreed and ten minutes later we were all in our pyjamas tucked tightly into our sleeping bags. And only minutes later all of us were sound asleep.

Fred's POV

I woke up abruptly the next morning when I heard a feminine scream, it sounded a lot like Hermione..... wait Hermione! I jumped out of my sleeping bag only wearing my pyjama bottoms and darted out of the tent with George right behind me, to see Hermione standing outside her tent dripping wet and glaring at Ron who was standing in front of her laughing his head off. It looked like he poured water over her whilst she was still asleep...Well that wasn't a great idea I thought. Harry and Ginny were standing a little further away from us smiling at the scene. I couldn't help but look at Hermione, her wet hair was stuck to her face, and her vest top and pyjama shorts were soaked, and I couldn't help but notice that the water made her top look a little see through... I blushed slightly when I realized that I had been staring and quickly looked away.

"You are so dead Ronald Weasley!" shouted Hermione before she ran after his retreating form. She chased him around the camp but suddenly she lost her balance when she was running near the edge of the lake. She slipped and hit her head on a nearby rock and fell into the deep lake.

"Hermione!" we all screamed.

Without thinking I ran to the lake and dived straight into the lake head first after her. When my eyes adjusted to the murky lake water I managed to spot Hermione. I swam towards her and slid my arm around her waist pulling her towards the surface of the water with me. Once my head broke the surface of the water I saw George at the edge of the water, I passed Hermione to him and he lifted her and placed her on the ground carefully. I jumped out of the water and knelt down beside her.

"What should we do our wands are inside" said Ginny who was in tears.

"Mouth to mouth" said Harry.

I clasped my hands together and pressed down onto her chest multiple times before I took a deep breath opening her mouth and breathing air into her lungs. I repeated this two more times when suddenly Hermione coughed, spluttering water onto the grass. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized she was OK. She opened her eyes and winced when she moved her head, that's when I realized the small gash on her forehead. I blinked rapidly when I saw that her gash started to magically heal, she must have seen my confusion.

"It's a wolfblood thing" she croaked as she tried to sit up. I immediately wrapped arm around her waist and put my other arm under her legs and then picked her up and carried her towards the Burrow. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder and smiled at me before saying "Thank you for saving me Fred, I owe you my life".

"Any time Hermione" I replied before kissing her forehead.


Ok there it is. Please comment, vote and Fan. Thank you xxx

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