Chapter 18 What The Fuck?!

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Here's Chapter 18 hope you like it, if you have any prank ideas for the Prank War in the later chapters please comment them thanks xxx :D


Fred's POV

The next day I woke up and slowly sat up in my bed as I replayed yesterday's events in my head. I immediately remembered the Prank War and then I realised that George and I haven't even started to plan our first prank yet. I quickly jumped out of my bed and pulled George's blankets out from underneath him which caused him to roll off of his bed and onto the floor creating a loud thud, rendering him awake.

"What the hell Freddie?!" shouted George as he stood up from his spot on the floor.

"Sorry Georgie, but I just realised we haven't even planned our first prank yet" I said.

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Right well let's get dressed and showered then we'll start the planning" replied George. George began making his bed whilst I grabbed my clothes and walked into our on suite bathroom. I quickly looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10 o'clock in the morning, that meant that most people in the Burrow would be awake.

Once I was in the bathroom I removed my pyjamas and stood under the shower head and turned the water on.

"What The Fuck?!" I helped as I fell out of the shower from shock. I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist before looking into the shower. Instead of warm water, there was a mixture of freezing cold slushy snow and blue slime flowing out of the shower head. I started to swear under my breath before shouting for George to come into the bathroom. George had been standing outside the bathroom knocking on the door as he had heard me shouting.

"What happened?!" he asked me as he looked at me. I was covered in the slushy snow and blue slime.

"Well I can guarantee that this is 'Mione's and Luke's first prank" I said.

"Well it seems we might have our work cut out for us if all their pranks are as brilliant as this" said George.

"Well, you start planning our first prank whilst I'm going to find Hermione and see how she likes to be covered in slime and snow" I said as I left the bathroom only wearing my boxers.

I walked out of my bedroom still covered in slime and began descending the stairs until I reached Hermione's room I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"Hello Fred don't you look great" she said sarcastically as she indicated to my slime covered body and my boxer shorts.

"Haha very funny" I said as I walked into the room behind her as I closed the door behind me.

"So what can I help you with Fred?" asked Hermione in her sweet voice that just made me want to hug her.

"You did this" I said motioning to gunk that was covering me as I started to glare at her.

"Actually I just came up with the idea, Luke managed to pull it off" she replied.

"But it was your idea" I said.

"Yes but this is what to expect when your involved in a Prank War" replied Hermione as she pressed a hand to my bare chest and pushed me backwards out of her bedroom with quite a lot of force. Why does she have to be stronger than me... her and Luke have an unfair advantage that they're both wolfbloods, I thought as I leaned against her now closed door before heading towards the main bathroom to clean up.


OK there it is hope you liked it please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D

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