Chapter 27 Father In Law

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Here's Chapter 27 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D


Fred's POV

The next day we were all sat in the living room waiting for Hermione's mum, dad and brothers to arrive. They were due to be here in ten minutes and then not soon after everyone else's matches were going to arrive because mum wanted to meet them all. I was really nervous about meeting Hermione's family. I mean what about if her dad doesn't like me or forbids her from being with me..... Well I know that he can't stop us from getting married because it's the law but he could still hate me.

Everyone in the room suddenly jumped a little when we heard the sound of someone apparating into the garden of the Burrow. Hermione's family must've arrived, I thought. Hermione who was sat next to me squeezed my hand reassuringly before kissing my cheek affectionately, whilst I couldn't help but grin at her. There was a knock at the front door which my mum quickly answered, my mum greeted them before bringing them into the living room.

The first person to enter the room was a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes who I guessed was Hermione's mum. Next to enter the room was two seven year old twin boys. They both had light brown hair and dark blue eyes, and I knew that they were Leo and Liam. And finally a very tall, muscular, fairly scary looking man walked into the room. He had dark blonde hair and intense blue and silver eyes. This was definitely Hermione's dad.

"'Mione!" shouted one of the small twin boys, as he ran towards Hermione who scooped him into her arms and hugged him.

"Hello Leo" she said as she kissed him on the head.

"What about me?" Whined the other boy as he folded his arm's.

"Come here Liam" said Hermione as she shifted Leo onto her left hip with his arm's wrapped around her neck, whilst she picked up Liam and held him the same way but on her right hip.

"Hello I'm Molly Weasley and this is my husband Arthur Weasley" said mum as she introduced herself and dad to Hermione's parents.

"Hello I'm Hermione's mum Holly Granger and this is my husband Henry Granger, it's so lovely to meet you" said Hermione's mum as she introduced herself and Hermione's dad to my mum and dad.

"Wonderful to meet you too" said mum "Let me introduce everyone. This is my eldest son Bill and his fiance Fleur. This is my second eldest Charlie and this is Percy. That's Fred and George my twin boys. And that's Ron and Ginny who I think you've already met".

"Lovely to meet you all, I'm Holly and this is Henry. You already know Hermione and Luke obviously and there's my little twin boys Leo and Liam" said Hermione's mum as she pointed at Leo and Liam who were now hugging Luke.

"Hello munchkin" said Hermione's dad as he smirked at Hermione.

"Hi daddy" said Hermione as she walked over to her dad who picked her up with ease and hugged her.

"Hi mum" said Hermione as she hugged her mum.

I couldn't help but watch Hermione interact with her family with a smile on my face. I looked away and suddenly realised that Mr Granger was watching me. He whispered something to Hermione's mum before walking over to me and offering me his hand for me to shake. I grasped his hand in a friendly handshake but I nearly felt the bones in my hand break when he shook my hand back. He really doesn't know how strong he is, I thought as he released my hand from his vice grip.

"You're Fred Weasley right?" He asked.

"Yeah I am sir" I replied.

"Call me Henry, I am going to be your father in law so there's no need for formalities" he said smirking.

"OK Henry" I said smiling at him.

"Now I'm not going to give you the whole don't hurt my daughter or else speech because from the way you were watching her I can tell that she means a lot to you and I know you won't do anything to hurt her intentionally. But I'm warning you if you do hurt my baby girl you'll have a whole pack of very angry wolfbloods after you, OK?" He said as he began so smile at me.

"I understand completely and I promise that I'll do everything possible to make sure that no one hurts her especially me" I replied.

"You seem like a great guy Fred, and I look forward to having you as part of the family you should visit our house Fred, I'd love to get to know you better" he said grinning at me before walking over to Luke.

Hermione immediately walked over to me and hugged me "so I'm guessing that it went well" she said.

"I think he approves of me" I said as I kissed her on the lips.

"Good, because I would've married you anyway" she replied.

Everyone got to know each other and before we knew it everyone's matches had arrived. First to arrive was Luna who walked straight over to George who introduced her to us all even though we already knew her. Then Chloe (Luke's match) arrived, he introduced her to his parents and the rest of us. Next to arrive was a girl called Amy who was Charlie's match, he introduced her to us as well. Audrey was next but mum and dad had already met Percy's match before so she didn't need an introduction. Ron's match Veronica arrived next and I could tell no one liked the look of her, she looked totally fake with all her make up. Pansy arrived next she just sat near Harry and didn't even ignolage any of us. And finally to arrive was Malfoy who I couldn't help but glare at him. All of us were giving him a cold look because of what he did to Hermione. When he looked at Hermione his eyes became wide as he started to back up against a nearby wall.

"Don't come anywhere near me you filthy wolfblood!" He said as he glared at her.

"Oh I won't but my dad will" said Hermione as she pointed at her dad who's eyes had turned silver as he started to glare at Malfoy.

"If you say one thing about my daughter you will regret it for the rest of your life" said Hermione's dad.

"Is that a threat?" said Malfoy.

"No, it's a promise" said Luke who was stood next to his dad, his eyes had also turned silver.

Malfoy then took one look around the room before running out the door and apparating away, with Pansy following after him.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK there it is hope you liked it, please comment, vote and fan thanks , I fan back xoxox xoxox ;D

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