Chapter 12 Christmas Eve Part 2

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Here's Chapter 12 hope you like it, I wasn't sure what to include but I hope you like it xxx


Fred's POV

Once I left Hermione's room I ran up the next flight of stairs to hopefully find George in our room. Once I entered my room I saw George sat on his bed writing on a piece of parchment.

"Heya, How's Hermione?" he asked when he saw me enter the room.

"She's fine, she's sleeping in her room. Where are the others?" I replied as I sat down on my bed.

"Harry and Ron tidied up outside and went to their room, and Ginny is helping mum in the kitchen with the food" said George "Wait, what are you so smiley about?".

Darn it I forgot that I was smiling so much. "Well, after I saved Hermione she said thank you and kissed me on the cheek. I also may have asked Hermione to be my date for the Christmas party and she may have said yes" I replied still grinning.

"Really? That's great Freddie you finally had the guts to ask her out!" he said to me before I threw a pillow at him which narrowly missed his head.

"Missed me! Ouch!!" yelled George as I stood up and smacked him around the head with another pillow.

"That's it!" shouted George as he stood up and tackled me to the floor. I rolled over knocking him to the floor as I grabbed him in a headlock, he then pushed me off and pinned me to the floor.

"OK! I surrender!" I said as George released me, We sat crossed legged on the floor facing each other.

"Hey I've just realised something" said George.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Christmas Eve today" he said "And we haven't even wrapped our presents up yet".

"Oh yeah" I replied as the situation dawned on me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 4:18pm. Wow time flies when your having fun I thought, "Come on then let's get started".

I went under my bed and pulled a large blue box out containing all the presents I bought for everyone.

I grabbed the presents one at a time and wrapped them. The first present was a pair of Dragon hyied gloves for Charlie, then a new 'history of magic' book for Percy, a signed ' Holly Harpies' Quidditch jersey for Ron, a bag of George and I's newest joke products for Harry, a family photo album made by George and I for Bill and Fleur, a set of scented candles for mum, a muggle gadget called a 'laptop' for dad (I know how much he loves muggle stuff), I got Ginny a necklace that read 'Wicked Sister', I got George some dog tags attached to a chain that he can wear around his neck (they say our nicknames 'Gred and Forge' on them and they also say 'notorious prankster'). And finally I found Hermione's present it was a charm bracelet made of real silver, it already had four charms on it that I had chosen; there was a small diamond encrusted white wolf (I made it so it looked like Hermione's wolf), a charm of her favourite book ' Hogwarts: a history', a small blue heart with mini sapphires and a little yellow star with a red ruby in the middle. I really hope she likes it, I thought as I put it carefully into its red box before wrapping it up in some silver wrapping paper. Once done I put all the wrapped presents back into the big box before putting it back under my bed.

"Dinners ready!" shouted mum from downstairs. George and I immediately stood up and made our way to the kitchen.

Dinner was uneventful as usual. Everyone was relieved to see Hermione was up and looked much better after her sleep. I kept looking at her throughout the meal and at one point she must've known I was looking at her because she turned her head and met my gaze before smiling at me and carrying on talking with Ginny. I smiled to myself and then I realised that George who was sitting next to me was trying not to laugh at me, I just rolled my eyes and carried on eating my pasta.

After that we all went to our rooms and we went to sleep looking forward to Christmas day in the morning. And as soon as my head hit my pillow I immediately fell asleep dreaming of Hermione with a content smile of my face.


OK there it is hope you liked it, the next chapter will be split into two parts, Christmas day and the party.... I'll upload ASAP xxx

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