Chapter 29 The Big Day

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Okay here's the final chapter of this story!! I hope you like it! please comment, vote and fan!! I fan back!!


It had been over two months since Bill and Fleur's wedding and the day Hermione and Fred had been looking forward to had arrived.

Hermione's POV

I couldn't believe it. Today was my wedding day. I was marrying Fred today. In a few hours I would be Mrs Hermione Weasley. Our wedding was going to be in the Burrow's garden just like Bill and Fleur's.

At the moment, I was sat in Ginny's room with Ginny (my Maid of Honour) and Chloe and Luna (My Bridesmaids). I was stood in front of the full length mirror as I studied my final appearance. My dress was strapless and white with pale blue emroidery on the skirt, the corset was body-tight from the waist up whilst the skirt flowed freely around me showing all my curves. My hair fell to my mid-back in perfect curls and I wore natural make-up.

"You look beautiful, Hermione" said Ginny.

"Thanks Gin" I said as I turned to look at Ginny. She was wearing a pale blue dress to match the embrodery on my dress, Chloe and Luna both wore pale blue dresses as well.

"I can't believe that in a few hours you're going to be my sister in law" said Ginny.

"I know. I'll officially be a Weasley" I said smiling to myself.

The bedroom door opened and my dad walked in. "Hullo munchkin" he said as he grinned at me.

"Hi daddy" I said as he kissed my cheek.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yeah I am" I said as I took my dad's arm and he led me downstairs followed by Ginny, Chloe and Luna.

Fred's POV

I am so nervous. I was marrying Hermione! I've been looking forward to this day for ages, I love her so much. I was already stood nervously at the alter with a grinning George (my Best Man). Charlie and Bill (my Groomsmen) were inside waiting to escort Chloe and Luna down the isle, then Ginny would follow and finally Hermione and her dad would walk down the isle last.

Nearly everyone I knew was here. There was loads of our friends from Hogwarts and all of my relatives, there was even our Hogwarts professor's here. All of Hermione's family was here as well. I could tell that they were all Wolfbloods like Hermione because of their silver or gold eyes, and also the fact that all the men were incredibly muscular and looked as though they could lift 10x their own weight.... It was quite intimidating.

Suddenly the music began to play. Bill and Luna walked down the isle first, followed by Charlie and Chloe, Bill and Charlie both were wearing black suits and Chloe and Luna were wearing pale blue knee length dresses. Ginny walked down after them and she was also wearing a pale blue dress.

Once Ginny had walked down the isle everyone stood up which meant that Hermione was about to walk down the isle now.

I couldn't help but grin when I saw Hermione. Her strapless white dress hugged her curves perfectly, her hair cascaded down her back and shoulders in perfect curls and she wore natural make-up. She looks beautiful even without make-up, I thought. She looked stunning, I am such a lucky man to be marrying Hermione.She was smiling at me too.

When Hermione had walked down the isle her father kissed her cheek and shook my hand before he joined Mrs Granger and the others in the audience. I took Hermione's small hand in my larger one.

"You look beautiful" I whispered to her.

"Thanks. You look very handome" she whispered to me as the audience sat down and the ceremony began.

The minister started the ceremony and after a few minutes we had said our vows that the minister made us repeat but now it was time for Hermione and I to say our own vows that we had written and I had to go first.

"Hermione, I've always had a crush on you ever since my fourth year at Hogwarts and at the Christmas Party I was probably the happiest I have ever been when you said 'Yes' to being my girlfriend. I love you, Hermione. I love everything about you. I love your personality, your intelligence, the way you speak your mind and the way you stand up for what you believe in, I even love the whole Wolfblood side of you. I've only ever been able to speak to George about my worries and problems but I feel like I can tell you anything. Before we started dating I was probably a little more out of control with my jokes and pranks but you've taught me to be a little more serious... in a good way of course. I love you, Hermione and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together" I said to Hermione.

"Fred I've always had a crush on you, probably since the day we met. I love the way you can cheer me up even when no-one else can, I love the way that when you walk into a room everyone seems to be happier, I love the way you grin and I even love your annoying smirk. Before we started to hang out I only ever knew the prankster and jokester side of you but now I know the caring and sensitive side as well which I happen to love by the way. You've also taught me to lighten up and allowed me to relax which was probably hard work considering no-one else has ever managed to. I love you Fred and I'm so happy that we're going to be spending the rest of our lives together" Hermione said to me.

"Do you have the rings?" the minister asked us. I turned to George who passed me the ring whilst Hermione turned to Ginny who passed her the other ring. I took Hermione's hand and put the ring on her finger and then she took my hand and put the other ring on my finger.

"Well, now that the rings have been exchanged, I am pleased to pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride" said the minister. I grinned at Hermione before I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her gently before I deepened the kiss when everyone began to cheer. When I broke the kiss I hugged Hermione before I led her back up the isle and towards the wedding reception that my mum and Mrs Granger had organised.

The reception went by fairly fast. Everyone wished us the best with our marriage, my dad, Mr Granger, Luke, George and Ginny all gave their speeches and Hermione and I shared our first dance together. Before I knew it the guests were apparating home and Hermione and I said goodbye to everyone before I apparated us away for our honeymoon. This was going to be the night that we give ourselves to each other, I was going to lose my virginity. This is going to be the greatest part of my life ever, I thought with a smile.


Okay that's it! I hope you've enjoyed this story! Please comment, vote and fan! I fan back! Look out for my Sequel for this story. xoxoxox :D There will be a sequel!

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