Chapter 6 Announcement

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Here's Chapter 6 hope you like it xoxox


Fred's POV

Once the three of us apparated to the Burrow, we made our way into the kitchen to find everyone already sat at the kitchen table waiting. Hermione, George and I all took our seats as Mum put a plate of lasagne in front of everyone. Throughout the meal George and I cracked jokes as usual as some of the others either listened or had their own conversations.

After dinner mum tidied away the dishes. She then sat back down at the table and looked as though she was about to say something.

"Arthur and I have decided that instead of a quiet Christmas we are going to be having a Christmas party. It is going to be on Christmas day and it's going to be held here, at the Burrow. We need to start organising it soon. So...." said Mum as she pulled out some parchment and a quill and began to jot notes ".... Who would you like to invite?".

"Lupin, Tonks, Teddy and Sirius" said Harry.

"Lavender Brown, Pavarti Patil and Padma Patil" replied Ginny.

"Lee-Jordan and Oliver Wood" George and I said together.

"Luna Lovegood and my twin Luke" said Hermione.

"Audrey Parker" said Percy.

"Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnagon and Neville Longbottom" said Ron.

"Is that it?" asked mum.

"Yeah" the rest of the room chorused.

"Very well then, food and drinks?" asked mum "we could have things like Mini pizzas, cakes, sweets, sausage rolls, brownies, Mini quiches, burgers, ice cream.... that kind of thing for food. And drinks, we'll have juice, butterbeer and seeing as though your all of age now we could get some firewhisky. Any other suggestions?" asked mum.

"Well like you said... we're all of age so we can have alcohol, maybe we could have Vodka, Southern Comfort and WKD" said Hermione who had a grin plastered on her face. Across the table Harry and Ron were trying not to laugh and we're also grinning.

"What are they?" asked Charlie looking confused like the rest of us.

"Muggle alcohol" said Harry "much worse than firewhiskey and any other magical alcohol. Last year me and Ron went to Hermione's house and her and Luke were on the sofa having some Vodka, Hermione wasn't drunk she only had a small bit whereas Luke was drunk out of his mind and he started stripping".

We all started laughing at that.

"Hey he wasn't that bad. And besides when me and him get drunk we both become, what we call, stripper drunk, we can't help it. And it's not as bad as you Harry your a giggley drunk, you giggle at everything" said Hermione trying to sustain her laughing.

"Oi! I do not!" shouted Harry.

"Yeah ya do mate" said Ron laughing.

"Well we'll find out at the party won't we" said Bill.

"Right, well I'll get some for the party but only a small amount." said mum smiling "I don't want to listen to Harry giggling all night and I really don't want to be watching Hermione and her twin Luke strip for us either".

"I know WE both do" whispered George in my ear. I elbowed him in his side to tell him to shut up.

For the next hour or so was spent discussing entertainment, music, decoration and theme. The theme was going to be a white Christmas theme. Hermione has a muggle friend (who new about witches and wizards) called Eric who's a dj and is gonna dj for us and he would sort the music. Mum and Ginny were sorting the lighting and the decorations.

Me and George definitely couldn't wait, and I had a great plan, at the party I was gonna ask Hermione to dance with me and hopefully ask her out. And I knew George was gonna bug me about the whole Hermione being a stripper drunk and all that, and he would probably make comments like "I bet your gonna enjoy that" or "Do you want me to ensure that she gets drunk enough that she takes everything off", Urrh he's going to annoy me so much.... I'm in for a fun ride.


That's chapter 6 hope you liked it, chapter 7 is gonna be mainly organising the party.... and what happens when Mrs Weasley gets Fred and Hermione to cook some of the party food?.... things are gonna get messy!! Please vote, comment and fan xoxox

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