Chapter 21 A Marriage Law?!

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OK here's chapter 21 hope you like it please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox


Fred's POV

Once I pulled Hermione downstairs to the kitchen we quickly sat down at the table where the rest of the family were already sat. Hermione sat next to Luke whilst I sat down next to her with George sat on my other side.

"Right children please listen up, now because I work at the ministry I was one of the first to be told about a new law that will be put into affect immediately" said dad.

"What new law?" asked Ginny.

"Well it's a..... it's a Marriage Law" said my dad. As soon as those words left my dad's mouth the room was suddenly filled with whispering, but quickly ended when Percy spoke up.

"Wait....we do get to choose who we marry don't we?" asked Percy.

"Well that's the thing, because of the amount of wizard blood that was shed in the war the ministry see fit to repopulate the wizarding community, and well..... you all get given someone to marry and you have no choice to say no" said my dad as he looked sadly at all of us. I suddenly felt my grip on Hermione's hand tighten slightly. She looked at me just as I looked at her, we shared a brief look as we knew there was no chance that we would be paired together. I couldn't bare the thought of another man being with her, and I don't want to be paired with anyone else, I've always dreamt that one day I would marry Hermione. We've only been together for a short amount of time and now she was going to be taken away from me and there is nothing that I can do about it.

"You all get a letter which will say the name of the person that you've been assigned to marry inside. And we have your letters here" said my mum as she held up a stack of letters "Bill and Fleur this doesn't apply for you as you are pretty much already married".

"Now don't open then yet we'll open them one at a time" said dad as Mum handed us our letters. I looked down at the letter in my hands and thought about how my whole future was in this letter.

"Well youngest first.... Ginny?" said mum.

Ginny opened her letter and looked heartbroken at what she was reading.

"I'm paired with Draco Malfoy..." said Ginny before she started to cry on Harry's shoulder. I couldn't believe that Harry and Ginny of all people were going to be split up and that Ginny was going to have to marry Malfoy!!

"Oh Ginny dear I'm so sorry..... Well we're going to have to proceed come on Harry, your turn" said mum.

Harry opened his letter and then muttered "Pansy Parkinson".

"Ron? You next" said mum as she blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill at the thought of Harry and Ginny not being together.

"I'm with a girl named Veronica Wilson" said Ron seeming fine with his match.

"Luke?" asked mum.

Luke opened his letter with ease and then said "I'm paired with someone called Chloe Carter".

"Ok... Hermione you next"

Hermione released my hand so she could open her letter. George patted my back to try to calm me. Once Hermione finished reading the letter. She turned to me and showed me her letter. I quickly scammed through it until I saw who she was matched with... 'Fredrick Gideon Weasley'.

Me?! We're matched together?! I knew that I was grinning like a total fool but I couldn't help it.

"Hermione? who are you matched with?" asked my mum.

"Me" I said. Before I could stop myself I leaned down and kissed a now grinning Hermione. My mum made some sort of happy squeak before running over to us and giving us a hug.

"Oh I'm so happy for you both, now Hermione will be a proper Weasley. OK so Fred we know your with Hermione, so George your next" said mum. I grabbed Hermione's hand before turning to George and giving him a comforting pat on the back.

"I'm paired with Luna Lovegood" he said as he smiled at me. I knew he'd never really talked to her before but he was definitely fine with his match.

After two more minutes we found out that Percy was paired with his current girlfriend Audrey Clinton and that Charlie was paired with a girl called Amy Hill.

As soon as we finished with the letters we started to eat. Everyone was happy with their matches especially me, but Ginny and Harry were a totally different story they refused to talk and both were silently crying. This was going to be a long couple of months, I thought.


Hope you liked it please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox

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