Chapter 9 The Golden Trio

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Here's Chapter 9 hope you like it, during this chapter Hermione will be spending more time with Harry and Ron xxx


Hermione's POV

After Fred and I were all cleaned up we flooed back to the Burrow with the finished cupcakes in hand to find Mrs Weasley bustling around the kitchen preparing this evening's meal.

"Hello dears" she said when she saw us enter the kitchen.

"Hello mum" said Fred.

"Hello Mrs Weasley" I replied "We brought the finished cupcakes".

"Excellent. Wow, they look amazing dears, just put them on the side and I'll put them somewhere safe" said Mrs Weasley as she looked at the cupcakes.

"OK" We said as we put the two boxes of cupcakes on the kitchen side.

Fred then ran up to his and George's room whilst I went to Harry and Ron's room. I knocked on the door and once I heard Ron say 'Come in' I opened the door and entered the room closing the door behind me.

"Hello guys" I said as I walked further into the room and sat down next to Harry on his bed.

"Heya Hermione" they said.

"You OK?" I asked them.

"Yeah what about you? It feels like we haven't talked in awhile with it just being the three of us" said Harry.

"Yeah that's true, we should do something together... just the three of us" I replied.

"Ah yeah, the golden trio back together again.... but what should we do?" asked Ron.

"Something fun...what about a movie night?" suggested Harry frowning in thought.

"Trip to the cinema?" I said.

"What's a cinema?" asked Ron.

"Never mind, Shopping?" I replied.

"Too girly" said Harry and Ron.

"Picnic?" suggested Ron.

"A broom ride?" said Harry.

"Or a sleepover?" said Ron.

"Or what about a camp out!" I said.

"Yeah I love that idea 'Mione, it's brilliant" said Harry sitting up straighter.

"Yeah we could have a camp fire, marshmallows and everything" I said rubbing my hands together.

"Wait I know this is supposed to be for just the three of us, but shouldn't we invite Ginny and the twins, I mean they'd really want to have a camp out as well. And that way Hermione will have someone to share her tent with, and the twins will make everything much more funny" said Ron.

"Yeah, I'm in" I said.

"Me too" said Harry.

"OK I'll go and tell the twins, Harry you tell Ginny and Ron you get the tents and take them into the garden we'll all come and help when we've told the others, and Ron make sure you tell your mum" I said before getting up and leaving the room.

I knocked on the twins' bedroom door and then opened it when I heard one of them say 'it's open!'.

"Hello boys" I said.

"Heya Hermione" they said turning to face me.

"Harry, Ron, Ginny and I are going to be having a camp out tonight and we wanted to know if you two wanted to join us?" I asked.

They looked at each other before nodding and saying with identical grins plastered on their faces "We'd love to Hermione".

"Alright well come down soon cause Ron's gonna need help putting the tents up" I said smiling at them before leaving closing the door behind me. This was going to be fun I thought.

Fred's POV

Once I arrived back home with Hermione we gave mum the finished cupcakes before I ran off to find George.

"Heya Georgie" I greeted as I walked into our room and took my seat next to him on the floor.

"Hello Freddie" he said grinning at me.

We immediately began working on more ideas for our joke shop. When suddenly George began talking to me about Hermione.

"So how was baking with 'Mione?" he asked me as he tried to suppress a laugh.

"Oh shut up!" I said as I hit him with my note book.

"Ouch! Stop I surrender!" he shouted whilst laughing.

'Knock Knock'

"It's open!" I said.

"Hello boys" said Hermione as she walked into the room. I felt my breath catch in my throat when I saw it was her. I wonder what she wants.

"Heya Hermione" said George and I together.

"Harry, Ron, Ginny and I are going to be having a camp out tonight and we wanted to know if you two wanted to join us?" she asked us.

George and I looked at each other before nodding and saying with identical grins plastered on our faces "We'd love to Hermione".

"Alright well come down soon cause Ron's gonna need help putting the tents up" she said smiling at us before leaving closing the door behind her.

This was going to be so much fun and I would be able to spend more time with Hermione.

"Shall we go and help then?" asked George.

"Yep lets" I said before we grabbed a rucksack each and put some pyjama pants and a old shirt in and a spare set of clothes for tomorrow. Once done, we both left the room with our rucksacks slung over our shoulders to go downstairs into the garden to help the others.


Hope you liked it, the next chapter will be the camp out! I'll update soon, please comment, vote and fan.... I fan back!!

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