Chapter 5 One tiring day

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Here's chapter 5 hope you like it xoxox


Fred POV

I've been stuck behind this till serving customer after customer, for the past four hours. During that time I found my gaze being drawn to the beautiful bookworm who was bustling around the store restocking shelf after shelf, and every five minutes was helping a new customer find what they need. Since my fifth year at Hogwarts I've had a crush on Hermione, and every year I found my feelings developing more and more. I was so worried about her when she was on the run, George kept telling me she was going to be alright but I was in such a state. George is the only one who I ever told about me liking Hermione.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I saw George send the last customers out and lock up the shop after them.

"What a day" said George brushing some gunpowder of his magenta robes.

"Yeah I didn't expect it to be that crazy" said Hermione as she shrugged her jacket back on.

"Yeah well that wasn't half as bad as normal" I said smiling at Hermione. I caught George's knowing smirk out of the corner of my eye, and I tried not to laugh.

"Come on, mum will be waiting for us at the burrow" George said before apparating away, me and Hermione following his lead.


I know it was a bit short but the next one will be longer.... hope you liked it xoxox

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