Chapter 24 Meeting The Matches

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Here's chapter 24 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D


George's POV

Luna is my fiance?... Luna Lovegood is my fiance? I mean I've always liked her, I had a crush on her whilst I was at Hogwarts. But it was only a small school boy crush, I never really thought much about it, I never even told Fred about my crush. Everyone (except Hermione and Ginny of course) always thought that she was crazy and that she was out of her mind with her talk of nargles and other mythical creatures, but I always thought that it was quite cute. And now the ministry was forcing us to marry each other. To be honest I'm just happy that it's her I have to marry and not an uptight slytherin.

I was stood in front of the mirror in Fred and I's room looking over my appearance whilst all my thoughts kept wondering to Luna. I wonder if she was thinking about this whole marriage law as much as I am? Does she even want to marry me? She might just be like everyone else, she might just think of me as the Hogwarts prankster that can't take anything seriously. I mean I'm not like that really, I actually take things very seriously I just like to make people laugh and to enjoy life to the full, I mean you only live once. My chain of thought was suddenly broken when I heard Fred enter the room.

"You nearly ready to go and meet Luna?" he asked as he pulled his jacket on.

"Yeah I am, you're still coming with me aren't you?" I asked as I grabbed my jumper.

"Yeah, shall we go now then?" said Fred.

"Sure let's go" I said before I followed Fred out of the room and down the stairs. Once we entered the kitchen Fred quickly walked over to the table where Hermione was sat and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle and then he quickly kissed her goodbye telling her he'll see her later.

We walked out of the front door together into the garden before apparating away from the Burrow. When I opened my eyes Fred and I were stood outside the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley. I took a deep breath before Fred nearly dragged me inside, we sat in a booth in the corner of the Leaky Cauldron. We ordered two butterbeers whilst we waited for Luna to arrive.

I felt Fred elbow me in my ribs which caused me to look at him, he indicated to the door of the Leaky Cauldron so I looked at the door and saw Luna there. Once she saw us she started to walk over to us, well when I say walk it was more like a skip. She smiled dazily at us as she sat down opposite me.

"Hello" she said in her dreamy voice.

"Hi" said Fred.

"Hi Luna" I replied as I smiled at her "how are you?".

"OK I guess but I seem to be seeing nargles where ever I go, you don't think that they're following me do you?" She said as she gazed of in thought.

I smiled at her antics. I thought she was adorable, the way she spoke her mind and didn't care what others thought of her. I knew that I was going to be happy with her as my wife I just hope that she thought the same.


Fred's POV

"Hi" I said.

"Hi Luna" replied George as he smiled at her "how are you?".

"OK I guess but I seem to be seeing nargles where ever I go, you don't think that they're following me do you?" She said as she gazed of in thought.

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