Chapter 17 The Prank War Begins

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Here's Chapter 17 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx And if anyone has any ideas for later chapters please comment them thanks xxx


Hermione's POV

When I woke up the morning after the party. I sat up on my bed crossing my legs underneath me as I looked around the room. The daylight was streaming through the gap between the curtains which made me rub my eyes to adjust to the light, I looked over at Ginny's bed and saw her still fast asleep curled up in her bed. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I decided to get up.

I pulled the bed covers off of me before climbing out of my bed, I looked at myself over in the mirror, I brushed my hair quickly before braiding it down my back and I slipped on my fluffy green slippers, I decided to keep my pyjamas on... I was wearing a pair of black boy shorts and a low cut grey shirt that showed my belly when I raised my arms. Deciding that I looked OK still wearing my pyjamas, I opened the bedroom door and made my way downstairs quietly.

Once I saw that no one was up yet (probably all have hangovers, I thought) I made my way into the kitchen and started to magically boil the kettle, I then reached up into the cupboard above my head and pulled out a large mug. I added the hot chocolate powder and once the water was boiled I added the water and the milk. I began to stir my hot chocolate when suddenly my wolfblood self sensed that someone was watching me, I immediately caught the scent of the person who was there...they smelt of cinnamon and gunpowder...I knew who that scent belonged to, It was Fred.

"Good morning Freddie" I greeted cheerfully with my back facing him.

"How did you know I was here?" asked Fred.

"I sensed your presence" I replied as I turned to face him.

"No you sensed my amazing charm and wittyness" he said as he walked towards me.

"Yeah sure I did" I replied shaking my head at him. Once he was standing in front of me he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"Your up early aren't you?" he asked when he pulled back.

"Yeah I know I'm just not really tired to be honest. And I'm gonna have to wake Luke up soon" I said smiling at him.

"You're going to wake up your wolfblood brother this early when he probably has a killer hangover..... do you have a death wish?" asked Fred in a disbelieving way.

"Well it serves him right. He chose to drink that much alcohol... it is his fault, he brought it upon himself" I replied still smiling sweetly at him.

"Well you're braver than I am" said Fred.

"Isn't George up yet, you two normally wake up at the same time?" I asked.

"I woke up early and I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to just get up" he replied.

"Well at least we get some time alone" I said as I sipped my hot chocolate.

"Mm yep" replied Fred before he took my mug and drank some of it.

"Oi get your own" I said.

"Fine I will" he said before he tried to step around me.

"Why can't I move?" asked Fred.

"That's why" I said as I pointed at the ceiling where a sprig of mistletoe was hanging.

"Magic mistletoe" sighed Fred smiling at me.

Magic mistletoe traps two unsuspecting people under the mistletoe and won't let them move until they kiss, I thought.

Fred wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was slow and gentle but it set fireworks off within me. After about a minute we heard someone cough and we reluctantly pulled away. We turned to see Luke smirking at us.

"Well I wasn't expecting to wake up to that" said Luke.

"Oh shut up" I said.

"Well that scene has just reminded me that I need to talk to you Fred" said Luke, I briefly caught his eyes darkening slightly.

"OK..." said Fred sounding slightly worried.

"I just want to warn you that if you hurt my twin in any way then you will have a mob of very pissed off wolfbloods after you... understand?" said Luke looking very serious. I felt Fred's grip around my waist tighten slightly in a protective way whilst Luke was talking.

"I would never hurt Hermione" said Fred putting extra emphasis on the word never, his voice was filled with honestly. I smiled widely at that.

"Good" said Luke.

"I want a word with you Luke please" I said.

"Sure, let's go outside" said Luke.

"I'll talk to you later, I'm going to wake George up and get dressed" said Fred before he walked up the stairs whilst Luke and I opened the back door and stood outside the Burrow staying close to the door.

"Thank you for not trying to rip him limb from limb" I said.

"Don't worry, personally I think that we will get on great" he said.

"Thank you" I said as I hugged him.

Before he could reply we were having ice cold water poured over us. To say we were shocked was an understatement, we weren't expecting that. I looked up and saw Fred and George leaning out of their bedroom window with buckets of water in their hands, both of them were attempting to hold back their laughter but seemed to be failing miserably.

"That's it. You two get down here now!" I hissed. It was definitely satisfying the way they both looked scared out of their minds.

Within minutes they both wandered outside looking terrified.

"That was not funny" I groaned at them.

"Oh but it was" said George.

"Fine you think it's so funny, let's see how you like it" said Luke.

"What do ya mean?" asked Fred.

"You two, versus Luke and I" I said as I folded my arms over my chest.

"What you mean..." George started saying.

"Let the Prank War Begin" said Luke.

"Oh and Freddie, you can guarantee that there will be no kisses from me until one team gives up" I replied as I walked into the Burrow swaying my hips as I went.

"No fair 'Mione" groaned Fred from behind me. I smirked feeling satisfied. Now it's time to plan Luke and I's first prank on the twins.


There it is hope you liked it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D

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