Chapter 20 Hermione's Greatest Fear

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Here's Chapter 20 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D


Hermione's POV

To say that I was worried about what Fred and George were planning was an understatement. I know that they're really annoyed about the prank Luke and I played on them this morning so I knew they were going to prank us back just as well. Considering it's the twins that I'm talking about makes it all that more worrying, I mean if it was Harry and Ron I wouldn't really be that worried but it's Fred and George Weasley! They own a freaking joke shop, they make amazing pranks and joke products, they even bested the Hogwarts' Marauders (aka Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew), their the Hogwarts pranksters and I was involved in a Prank War against them. One of them was even my boyfriend.

I cleared my head of my thoughts as I walked up the stairs towards Ginny and I's room once I was outside the door I walked straight into the room. I walked over to my bed to grab a jacket when suddenly I heard a hissing noise from behind me. I breathing began to hitch slightly as my eyes grew incredibly wide. I slowly turned around and on the floor in the middle of the doorway there was a large red snake that was coiled up. I backed up into the corner of the room and then I began to whimper slightly. Everyone has that one thing that they fear the most... Ron has spiders, Harry has dementors, Ginny has the dark, Fred and George's fear is seeing the other dead, Luke has bats.... I happen to be absolutely petrified of snakes. I can't go any where near them, I start to breakdown when I see them, I whimper and cry. Normally Luke would get rid of them for me.... wait Luke?!

"LUKE!!" I screamed as I began to cry... I was so scared I can't stand snakes... I just can't, I have a phobia of snakes. The snake was getting closer to me when suddenly I heard pounding of feet. Luke, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Charlie, Fred and George all came bounding into the room one after the other. I didn't really care that they all saw me crying and shaking like crazy. Luke carefully walked around the snake and pulled me towards him. I buried my head into Luke's chest as he held me closer.

"Confringo" said Charlie as he pointed his wand at the snake, suddenly a jet of red sparks shot out of the end of his wand as the snake was suddenly gone.

I sighed in relief as Luke kissed my forehead. I heard more pounding of footsteps before Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Fleur and Percy entered the room.

"What happened in here?" asked Mrs Weasley as she walked over to me and stroaked my back in a comforting way.

"S-s-snake" I said stuttering.

"A snake?!" said Mrs Weasley turning towards the others "how did a snake get into my house?.... you know what, I don't want to know. Let's just go downstairs and have dinner".

Everybody else left the room apart from Luke, Fred and I. Luke must've known that I wanted to talk to Fred because he smiled at me before kissing my cheek and leaving the room.

"Hermione I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had a phobia of snakes, if I knew I would never have used the snake for my prank..... Do you forgive me?" asked Fred looking incredibly sincere and guilty.

"I'd find it nearly impossible to not forgive you Fred, I love you and besides you didn't know that I was afraid of snakes" I said before he pulled me into a hug. Once he released me he lifted his hand to my face and wiped away the tear stains on my cheeks with his thumb.

"I love you too, I would never do anything to hurt you" he said before he kissed me lovingly on my lips.

"You win" I replied when he pulled back.

"What do you mean?" asked Fred.

"I'm backing out from the Prank War so you and George win, congratulations" I said before kissing him again.

"Nope, neither of us win, because I'm backing out too" he said before he entwined our fingers together whilst pulling me downstairs with him.


OK there it is, hope you liked it. Please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D

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