Chapter 13 Christmas Day Part 1

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OK here's chapter 13 hope you like it. It's Christmas day in the story and this chapter will be in two parts, the second part we will meet Hermione's very overprotective twin and then the chapter after part two is when the Christmas party will begin. Please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx


Hermione's POV

I opened my eyes slowly as I felt someone shake me awake, as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight that was streaming through the gap in the curtains I noticed that it was Ginny that was shaking me.

"What?" I groaned as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up with my legs crossed.

"What do you think?! It's Christmas!!" she said excitedly jumping up and down on her bed.

"So? I'm too tired to get up" I said.

"Oh come on you lazy lump, get up!" she grumbled.

But before I could reply the familiar sound of someone apperating filled the room and before I registered what was happening, someone fell on me and from Ginny's scream I realised that someone must've apperated onto her as well, that meant one thing.... Fred and George.

"Oh! Sorry Hermione! Are you OK?!....Wow, I need to work on my apperating" said Fred, worry plastered on his face as he quickly sat up and moved to the bottom of my bed.

"Oh it's OK Fred, it was just a shock. You and George definitely need to work on your apperating skills" I replied as I indicated to George who at that moment was attempting to climb off of Ginny.

"Yeah we do, did you sleep well?" asked Fred.

"Yeah I did, until Ginny woke me at this unholy hour" I groaned.

"What it's Christmas! How could you still be in bed?!" said George joining the conversation.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm normally a morning person but I'm just so tired this morning, I didn't fall asleep very easily last night" I said.

"Well your up now and before I forget.... why are you two in my room?" Ginny asked directing her question at the twins whilst pointing at them.

"Well we just wanted to make sure you two were up" said George smiling sweetly at her.

"And we wanted to be the first to wish you both a Merry Christmas" said Fred directing his smile at me.

"Merry Christmas to you to" I replied smiling at them both.

"Yeah now get out of my room so we can get ready" said Ginny as she glared at her two brothers.

"OK, there's no need to get your wand in a knot. Let's go George" said Fred as they stood up and left the room closing the bedroom door behind them.

Once they were gone I pulled my bed covers off of me before standing up and heading towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and quickly dried myself, I pulled on my clean underwear, a plain black shirt and my warmest black leggings. I brushed my teeth and then dried my hair before pulling it up into a neat ponytail. I then washed my face and slipped my trainers on. Before leaving the bathroom I collected all my dirty washing from the floor and put it in the washing basket that was in the corner of the cream coloured bathroom.

As I left the bathroom Ginny went into the bathroom leaving me in our room on my own. I neatly made my bed and once I was done I pulled a large box of presents out from under my bed and set it down on my bed.

I took me ages to get everyone their presents; I got Harry a broom refurbishing kit, I got Ron his favourite Honeydukes sweets, I bought Ginny a navy blue long sleeved dress that she'd been asking for, I got Fred a muggle prank book called '101 Awesome pranks and more' (I really hoped he would like it), I got George a muggle joke kit that he said he wanted, I got Percy a new book called ' Fantastic Beasts and where to find them', I got Charlie a hoodie with a picture of a dragon on it (considering he works with dragons ), I got Bill and Fleur a photo of all of us and put it into a magical frame that changed colour every day, I bought Mr Weasley a really expensive gold watch and I got Mrs Weasley a necklace that says ' Mother' on it considering I think of her as my second mum.

Once Ginny finished getting ready we both grabbed our boxes of presents and made our way downstairs to the living room to open them. We arrived in the living room and took our seats on the sofa opposite the other sofa that was occupied by the twins. Ten minutes later we were all in the living room. Mrs Weasley decided that I would hand out my presents first. I nodded and gave everyone their presents and they all opened them straight away. Harry and Ron hugged me and said thank you, Mrs Weasley nearly cried when she saw what her necklace said and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, once I explained to Mr Weasley how the watch worked he thanked me and gave me a gentle fatherly hug. Bill, Fleur, Charlie and Percy all said thank you and gave me a hug. Ginny squeeled and hugged me nearly crushing me when she recognized the dress was the one she'd been saving for, George chuckled and gave me a hug, Fred also gave me a hug whilst grinning and kissed my cheek affectionately both saying thanks.

After me it was Ginny's go, she got me a necklace that said 'sister' on it. I smiled as I put it on with my other necklace that I got from Luke years ago (it had a H on it and he had a matching one with an L on it) I said thank you to her before hugging her.

Next was Fred. Once he handed me my present I immediately unwrapped it and saw a red box. I carefully lifted the lid of the box and when I saw the charm bracelet I was gobsmacked, I didn't expect him to get me anything as beautiful as this. I lifted it out and fastened it on my wrist whilst admiring it. He must've put a lot of thought into this, the wolf charm looked exactly like my wolfblood form, the miniature book was of my favourite books of all time 'Hogwarts: A History', and the heart and star charms were beyond beautiful. I looked up and found him grinning at me. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Thank you Fred, this is the best present ever, Thank you" I said to him as I kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"Your very welcome Hermione" he replied. I smiled up at him before I walked back over to my seat to show Ginny the bracelet.

The next 20 minutes were filled with more opening of presents. George gave me one of his old quidditch jerseys that I always liked, Harry got me a new book, Ron got me some honeydukes sweets, Charlie got me a stuffed teddy (Well it wasn't a teddy it was a dragon stuffed toy), Bill and Fleur got me a gorgeous black strapless dress (Fleur obviously picked it), Percy got me a book, Mr and Mrs Weasley made me my very own Weasley knitted jumpers with a H knitted onto the front (I already put it on over my shirt).

After all the presents were handed out we all took our presents up to our bedrooms to keep safe. I put all my presents under my bed, except my knitted jumper, my necklace from Ginny and my bracelet from Fred because I was wearing those.

"You coming downstairs?" asked Ginny.

"Yeah I'll be down in a minute" I said.

"OK I'll meet you down there" she replied before leaving the room.

I briefly looked down at my charm bracelet and I couldn't stop the smile that came to my face when I looked at it. I knew I liked Fred as more than a friend but after today I realised that my feelings are developing faster than I thought. I didn't even know if he liked me back, I had to stop thinking about it for now and besides if he didn't like me then why did he ask for me to be his date for the party tonight.... wait..... TONIGHT?!! I quickly realised something, I didn't know what I was going to wear. That's when the strapless black dress that Bill and Fleur got me caught my attention, I placed the dress on my bed so I knew that I was going to be wearing that for the party. I then walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black kitten heels and decided that they would go great with my dress. Once done I made my way downstairs to have my breakfast and to find Ginny.


OK there's part one please comment, vote and Fan. Part two will be posted tomorrow xxx

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