Chapter 22 Chloe Carter

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Here's Chapter 22 hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D


Hermione's POV

I couldn't believe it I was going to marry Fred! I couldn't wait till that day but until then I had to go and meet Luke's match Chloe. Luke and I were walking into Ottery St Chatpole, the village near the Burrow, towards the local coffee shop where we arranged to meet her. Luke was originally going to meet her on his own but he ended up asking... no, begging me to come with him for 'moral support'. I could tell that he was nervous, I mean it's not every day you go and meet your future wife, who you've never met before in a coffee shop.

After ten minutes of me reassuring Luke that it'll be OK, we finally arrived at the small coffee shop. We walked in and sat down at a table near the back. The place was nearly empty apart from one or two people. I ordered two coffees for Luke and I to drink whilst we were waiting for Chloe to arrive.

Three minutes later the jangling sound of the bell above the shop door sounded, signalling someone had walked in. I looked up and saw a teenage girl who looked around 17 years old about a year younger than me. She had dark red hair that fell just below her shoulders in perfect curls and her eyes were a cross between a light blue and green colour. She was wearing some black skinny jeans, red converses and red shirt that had the words 'I love skittles!' written on the front. I smiled at her from where I sat. She stayed where she was shuffling from one foot to the other looking nervous.

"I'll be right back" I said to Luke before standing up and walking over to the girl.

"Hello are you alright?" I asked once I was in front of her.

"Oh Hi, wait your Hermione Granger! Your Harry Potter's best friend. Wow it's an honour meeting you" said the girl as she shook my hand "oh I'm Chloe Carter, I'm just supposed to be meeting someone in here, his names Luke Granger".

"Yeah he's my twin brother" I replied.

"Wait so I'm going to be marrying Hermione Granger's twin brother?" she asked looking slightly shocked.

"Yeah, come on he's sat over here" I said as I pulled her by the hand towards the table where Luke was sat.

"Luke this is Chloe Carter, Chloe this is my twin brother Luke Granger" I said introducing them as Luke shook her hand. They immediately began talking whilst I just observed. Luke told her that him and I are wolfbloods and he told her about our family, he told her about his hobbies (they were quidditch and surfing), he also told her about his favourite book, movie, colour, childhood memory etc. She told him that she was a halfblood witch and told him about her family, that her hobbies were swimming and eating skittles (which I found to be an awesome hobby), she also told him about her favourite book, movie, colour and childhood memory. Chloe then started asking me about myself.

"Well as Luke's already told you, I'm a wolfblood, I have three brothers Luke, Liam and Leo. My hobbies are running, reading and sketching. My favourite book would have to be 'Maze Runner' by James Dashner, my favourite movie would have to be Piarates of the Caribbean, my favourite colour is either orange, green or blue. And my favourite childhood memory would always be going to Hogwarts for the first time" I said in answer to her questions.

After talking for another hour I decided to leave them alone. I said goodbye and gave Chloe my contact details so we can arrange to meet up, considering she was going to become my sister in law we needed to get to know each other. I told Luke that I would meet him later before I left the coffee shop. I decided that I would pay Fred a visit at the joke shop so I apparated to Diagon Alley and found myself stood in front of the entrance to Weasley's Wizards Weezes.


There I hope you like it, please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D xoxox ;D xxx

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