chapter nine

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October 15th – Library

Nephera was once again sitting in the library, trying to figure out what the 'Chamber" was, that her father had mentioned in her journal. The journal dated back to her father's sixth year at Hogwarts, meaning that the Chamber must be referring to some sort of room in the school, and for some reason Tom Riddle was the only one who went in it.

Last night, she had continued to read the journal, and she had found out that Riddle had used whatever was hidden in the chamber to kill a muggleborn, which facilitated her theory that Tom Riddle was, in fact, Voldemort.

Still, there was nothing in the many books she had read, and no matter how much she looked, she couldn't find any information on "The Chamber". She thought about going to a teacher, but if Riddle had used it to kill another student, then it would definitely raise an alarm if she asked about it now, and the last thing she needed was Dumbledore looking into her life.

Giving the page in front of her one last glance, she sighed and closed the book, knowing that her mind was too tired to spend another second thinking about the chamber and Riddle. Turning her attention towards the potions assignment, she picked up her quill and begun writing her essay. She had always loved potions, they required a certain intricacy and delicacy that was unmatched in the other subjects. The way the ingredients needed to be handled, the way the instructions were precise and should not be ignored, it was like a beautiful dance of fingers and hands.

The first Slug Club party was that night as well, which meant that she had to endure Terry's incessant talking and heart eyes for three hours. Not to mention that Tony and Ellie weren't invited, but Lestrange, Snape, and Nott were, meaning that she would have to avoid them as well.

"Thinking about the Slug Club tonight?" asked Tony as he and Remus sat down next to Nephera at the library table

"I might kill myself before I even get there," sighed the Slytherin, rubbing her eyes

"They can't be that bad," started Remus "I've heard that the food is good,"

"It's hard to enjoy the food when I've got Lestrange's face sitting opposite me,"

"Why is he so obsessed with you anyways?" asked Tony

The way the Slytherin boy looked at the girl and acted around her had always bugged Tony. Lestrange had a look in his eyes that was nothing short of deranged, and while Nephera had managed to keep him and the rest of his gang in check most of the times, it was impossible to tame them fully.

"I honestly have-"

"Oh, Princess, haven't you told them?" came a voice from behind them, and the three turned around to find the aforementioned boy looking at them "See, me and Winchester over here, we are to be married once we leave school..."

Tony swore his eyebrows reached his hairline as the Slytherin uttered that sentence, he knew that the Sacred Twenty-Eight followed older traditions, but arranged marriage? He had no idea it was that bad, or that controlling. Remus, on the other hand, had been subjected to Sirius's rants about pureblood society enough to know exactly how disgusting their traditions were, especially when it came to the treatment of women. But he could tell by his boyfriend's reaction that Nephera didn't talk as much as Sirius did about her home life.

"And I told you, pug face, that it's simply not going to happen," stated the girl, waving her hand dismissingly "Now leave, please. I don't even know why you're in the library in the first place, I truly doubt you can read."

"Un jour, je vais te faire foutre le traître au sang, et je ne serai pas gentil," One day I'm going to fuck the bloodtraitor ways out of you, and I won't be gentle said Lestrange

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