chapter twenty-nine

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March 17th - Slytherin Dorms 

It was the night of the full moon, and Nephera was sitting in bed, listening to the howls in the distance. It sounded bad that night, the howls slowly turning into growls, accompanied by barks. She wanted to go outside and join them, but they only let her join whenever one of them was hurt and couldn't do it since Remus didn't want to risk her getting hurt. 

She knew she would never be able to sleep that night, so she took out the copy of Hogwarts: A History, which had been worn out from how many times she had flicked through it. Sirius and herself had been working on the journal for a month now, and they still hadn't found anything. 

She had looked at the section of the structure of the castle more times than she could count. It had a segment on the kitchens, the different common rooms, in general, it was a rundown of all the rooms in Hogwarts, and yet, there was no mention of the Chamber. 

The only rooms besides the Chamber that weren't mentioned were the headmaster's office and the room of requirement, but the reason behind that was that they were created by Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff respectively, and so was mentioned with the founders. 

At that moment, it was as if a lightbulb came on in her mind. She had only been focusing on the section of the book which included the structural layout of the castle, but perhaps she should be looking into the founders' section. 

"Winchester?" came a voice from the door, and she lifted her head to see a second-year girl 

"It's the middle of the night, what?" she asked 

"Those Gryffindors are banging on the entrance of the common room, asking for you, one of them looks hurt," 

When the words left the girl's mouth, Nephera immediately dropped the book and rushed downstairs to the common room. The door was open, and Peter was there supporting Sirius, who was bleeding through his shirt and had his elbow sticking out at a weird angle. 

"Hello," he grunted "Sorry for the intrusion," 

Nephera rolled her eyes at the boy's words, but was glad to see that he was still able to joke, "What the hell happened?" she asked "Come in, put him on the couch," 

Peter grunted as he walked further into the green common room and dropping the other boy on the couch, "We came across a unicorn, Remus tried to attack and Sirius jumped in to stop him-" 

"James is out there alone?" 

"It's fine now, the unicorn ran away and Moony calmed down. I brought him here, I'd rather not have to deal with Poppy's questions," 

The girl nodded and lifted Sirius's shirt, the boy groaning, "They're big, but not too deep, and I can fix the elbow easily. Go back outside and help James," 

"Thanks, Neph," he said quickly before running out of the room to go back outside 

Nephera took off Sirius's shirt completely, "If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask, you know," 

The girl huffed out a breath, trying to conceal a smile "oh yes because you all bloody and dirty turns me on so much," 

Sirius hummed, wincing as she dragged her fingers over the cut, the skin sewing itself back together as she did so, "You'd think you had grown used it with how many times you end up in the hospital wing," she said, referring to his skin healing and the pained expression on his face

"It's not the spell, it's your fingers, they're bloody cold," he replied "Why were you awake anyway?"

"Couldn't sleep with the full moon, decided to work on the journal some more," she explained "This is going to hurt," 

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