chapter forty-four

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April 20th - Potions 

It had been three days since Nephera had returned to Hogwarts, and she still hadn't spoken a word to Tony. The other students of the school had, of course, taken notice of this, as well as her impromptu disappearance, and the rumor mill had begun churning, each story crazier than the rest. 

'I heard that Winchester was off fucking Lupin when Adams got marked, and that's why Spectre got so mad,' 

'I heard that she does that sometimes, leaves for days with no explanation. Apparently, she went out of her mind during Easter, she's completely crazy,' 

'I heard that Black was so worried about her because they're shagging. He almost beat up Spectre,' 

The Slytherin was no stranger to rumors, being popular meant that she typically found herself the topic of many conversations since her first year. This time, however, she couldn't stand them, or maybe, the ridiculousness of them. 

Nephera had thought that the affair between her and Remus would be the height of them, but the rumors kept going, now claiming that she was in a relationship with Sirius. 

To top it all off, she was now walking to potions, a class she shared with the Ravenclaws. She had never felt the urge to cut class more than she did now, considering flinging herself out of a window just to get out of working with Tony. Luckily for her, such violent measures weren't needed when she found herself surrounded by a group of girls, each one looking angrier than the other. 

"Can I help you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow 

"Are you and Siri snogging?" asked one of them 

"No, me and Siri aren't snogging," she mocked, trying to move past them but they blocked her way 

"Can you tell him about me, then?" asked a second one 

"And me!" 

"Oh, me too!" 

They all started speaking up, some even going so far so as to request the brunette to schedule a meeting with the boy. 

"Stop your bloody chirping, all of you," deadpanned the girl, her head already beginning to hurt "If you want something from Sirius, go ask him yourself, but fair warning, he's not looking for a relationship. And if you think you're going to be the one to change that, you're not. Now, since I have more important issues in my life than your hormone fluctuations, I'll be leaving,"

This seemed to work, as they all sent her dirty glances and moved out of the way, murmuring amongst themselves. Rolling her eyes, the Slytherin moved past them, very well aware that she was now late for Potions. 

"Mrs. Winchester," came Slughorns' cheery voice, "I was starting to get worried you wouldn't be joining us today," 

"I'm sorry, Professor, I was stopped by the Sirius Black Fanclub," she spat sarcastically, earning many questioning glances in return 

She looked around for a split second, seeing that the only spot open was her usual one, next to Tony. Sitting down, she made no indication of acknowledging the boy next to her as she turned to the board, hoping that they would be brewing potions that day instead of learning about theory. 

"Today, we have a very interesting lesson," said the Professor "We'll be brewing Amorentia. Please turn to the board, the instructions are written there," 

The brunette was actually very interested in seeing what her amorentia smelled like. Her entire life, she had never truly had a crush on anyone, and for half a second she was worried it would smell like Adam. He was, after all, the longest-standing relationship she had, even if it was non-commital. 

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