chapter thirty-two

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March 27th -Kitchens

Nephera and Sirius had just gotten back from Knockturn Alley, both of them completely overwhelmed from the amount of information they had learned over such a short period of time.

Sirius had found the fact that Voldemort, preacher of blood purity, was, in fact, a half-blood very funny, and had proceeded to make jokes about it all the way back, Nephera once again finding herself grateful for his presence.

However, there was something nagging in her mind. She wanted to go back to the manor for Easter, even though she knew that it was exactly what Voldemort wanted. She longed to feel the same way she did when she was sitting with him in her father's study, she longed to look at him in the eyes and feel that suspense and power course through her again. Not to mention, that if she was to go to anyone else's house, there was the risk of making them and their family a target, and she was not going to do that.

However, she knew that Sirius still remembered Voldemort saying that he wanted her father to bring her back since he tensed up and looked at her every time Easter was mentioned. She didn't know what to say to make him understand that she really had no choice but to go back. Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind. It was a violation of privacy, and if he ever found out what she had done, he would've hated her all over again, but it's not like he would remember, and it's not like she was removing too much.

Turning to where he was sitting in the counter of the kitchens, ranting, the Slytherin pulled out her wand discreetly.

"Obliviate," she whispered, and Sirius stopped talking for a moment, looking confused

She should've taken all of it out, from the meeting in Hogsmeade, to the time they had spent together in the library over different books, to the ritual in Kockturn Alley the other day, but she couldn't. They had become very close friends through all of that, and she didn't want to lose that connection with him, as juvenile as it sounded. So, she only took out a small snipped of the meeting, only the part where Voldemort asked her father to make sure she returns to the manor.

It definitely wouldn't be easy getting through four overprotective Gryffindors, Tony and his fast rebuttals, and Ellie's I'm-not-mad-just-disappointed look, but it would certainly be easier than if they knew that she was there at Voldemort's request.

"What was I talking about?" asked Sirius

"You were talking about how hypocritical Voldemort is," she laughed

"Oh right, I mean, Mr. Pureblood Supremacy himself is a halfblood? Do you think the Death Eaters know?"

"I think some of them, his inner circle, only. Malfoy, my father, etc,"

"Probably, I know for a fact my parents would never worship a halfblood orphan, even if he was Slytherin's descendant," he added, and Nephera laughed

"I think we should tell the others," she suggested, and then quickly added noticing the look on his face "Not about last night, but in general, what we found. I mean, Tony and Ellie are already asking questions,"

Sirius seemed to think it over for a moment, but eventually, he agreed with her, he had never lied to the marauders before, and the guilt was practically eating him alive, "I agree, but what will we say? I mean, how did we find out about his childhood?"

"We say we would hear stories growing up, about Merope and her bastard son, and we just made the connection, and yesterday we went to Diagon Alley to make sure of it," she replied

"They're going to be mad," he sighed

"Furious," she corrected, "But they would find out eventually, and in this case, it's better to do it now than later,"

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