chapter fifteen

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November 1st – Hufflepuff Dorms

Nephera woke up with a groan, opening her eyes and immediately closing them after the bright lights hit her face. By the brightness of the room and the warm body next to her, she denoted that she was in the Hufflepuff dorms, not the Slytherin ones. Her mind was foggy, and so she struggled to remember exactly how she got there.

Once she did, however, she let her head fall back into the pillow. It was humiliating for her, needing other people to come to her rescue because she couldn't deal with Lestrange of all people. It was even more humiliating that it was Sirius Black who was there. She couldn't remember what Lestrange had told her, nor what he had told Black, but she hoped it was nothing concerning their future arranged marriage, knowing that if it was, they would want to talk to her about it.

Glancing down at her watch, she saw that she still had two hours before classes, so she got out of bed, careful not to wake Ellie or any of her other roommates up, and left the room. Thankfully, she wasn't wearing last night's costume, but rather a pair of sleeping shorts and one of Ellie's sweaters, that she assumed the Hufflepuff changed her into last night.

Nephera hated this, she never got so drunk to the point where she lost control of her body and her words, not unless she was only surrounded by Ellie and Tony. But last night's frustrations around a certain Gryffindor had led her to drink more than she could handle. Grunting, she silently made her way out of the yellow common room and casted a disillusionment charm on herself, ensuring that no one would see her in such a state.

Thankfully, the Hufflepuff dorms were close to the dungeons, so she didn't have to walk too long with her headache. She decided to not take the disillusionment charm off yet, not wanting to run into anyone in the common room in such a state. Once she opened the door, she was glad she did, because she found Avery, Mulciber and Lestrange sitting on the couches in front of the fireplace, discussing in hushed voices.

"Is it happening this Christmas, then?" asked Avery

"Yes," replied Lestrange, although Nephera was certain that the boy's voice came out softer than what he intended it too "Let's see what Winchester and her guard dogs are going to say after,"

"I don't think it's her guard dogs we need to be worried about," sighed Mulciber "I'd rather get out of here before she comes back and realizes what we said to her and that mudblood yesterday,"

Nephera couldn't help but smirk when he said that, knowing that the boys at least had to common decency to be scared of her. She accented up the stairs to her dorm, and grabbed a uniform before entering the shower.

Up at the marauder's dorm, three of the boys were sleeping heavily while one was laying down on his bed, his eyes staring towards the dark ceiling intensely. Lestrange's words still hadn't left his mind, and he was happy he was the only one who understood them, because he knew that Nephera wouldn't like having something like that exposed to everyone.

Still, he had understood them and now they couldn't stop replaying in his head. He knew that there was no way the brunette would let herself be stuck in an arranged marriage, with Lestrange of all people, but he really had no idea what she would do until she managed to get rid of him.

James stirred from his bed next to him, and slowly opened his eyes, his hand running through his nightstand to locate his glasses. When he found them, he slipped them on and looked around the room, his eyes landing on his best friend.

"Pads," he asked, his voice still scratchy from sleep "Did you sleep at all, you look horrible,"

"No," deadpanned Sirius "Someone's going to have to keep me away from Lestrange today,"

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