chapter one hundred and seven

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April 5th - Potter Estate

Dinner at the Estate was great as always, Euphemia's cooking was dearly missed by the three teens, and, in Sirius's words, 'was the only thing keeping him going,'.

The boy rushed to plant a kiss on Nephera's cheek right after that, smiling at her sheepishly and glaring at James when he mocked him about how whipped he was.

Throughout all of this, Fleamont and Euphemia were simply sitting back, looking at the three teenagers interact with small smiles on their faces. They knew of Nephera's mission, and they knew how vexed Sirius was over it, so to see the three of them laugh and joke like children was a gift on its' own.

However, the eldest Potters knew they  had to talk to Nephera about her mission, and so Euphemia took in a deep breath, knowing she was about to ruin the mood, "Nephera, darling," she started, "When are you leaving?"

As expected, the three teenagers sobered up greatly, "In two days. I'll be apparating to a specific point in Sweden, that's where the barrier is,"

"I don't really understand how this works," coughed Monty, "What barrier?"

Sirius cut his witch off, having heard it one too many times he could recite it by heart at this point, "The Fae reside in a different realm than our own, and it's accessed by particular barriers in specific coordinates," he explained

James jumped in as well, "The closest one to here is the one in Sweden,"

Nephera noticed the tension in Fleamont's jaw, as well the worry hidden behind Euphemia's eyes, and sighed. She really didn't want them worrying about her, for there truly was no reason to worry. She felt the same way towards her friends as well.

Seeing their worried and frustrated expressions, she couldn't help but feel like a burden, "You want to say something, go for it," she said

Sirius scoffed from next to her, "How are you so nonchalant about this?" he asked, "I remember what you told me about Fae, they aren't exactly the most hospitable of people,"

"No, they aren't. But that doesn't mean they'll kill me once they see me," she tried to joke, unsuccessfully, "They allowed Dumbledore to let someone through the barrier, that means that they're open to negotiation and talking,"

"Don't you think you're piling on too much, Nephera?" asked Euphemia, looking at her husband for support

Fleamont jumped in, "Exactly, you should be worried about your NEWTs, not about entering other realms to negotiate with otherworldly creatures,"

The raven-haired boy made a noise from the back of his throat, showing that he agreed, but James shot him a look telling him to simmer down.

The curly-haired boy could see right through Nephera, it was one of his greatest accomplishments, truly, that after so many months he had been able to see past her facade. So, he could see that out of everything, she was most hurt by how Sirius was reacting to the entire thing.

The Slytherin was stubborn, too stubborn for her own good, and she wouldn't be changing her plans anytime soon. However, it pained her to see her boyfriend retract his arm from her whenever the mission was mentioned.

Shaking his head, he decided to speak up, "She's accepted the mission now, there's no way you can change that," he spoke, "Just promise us you'll get out the second you sense something's wrong,"

The girl frowned for a second, not knowing whether or not that was possible. They were all part of the Order, they knew that danger was essentially a prerequisite, and something told her that this mission wouldn't be any different. So, not wanting to break a promise, she sighed, "If my life's in danger, I'll leave," she said instead

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