chapter one hundred and two

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March 10th - Marauder's Dorm 

Nephera had left her dorm in the dungeons earlier than usual that day, making her way to Gryffindor Tower. Normally, the brunette avoided the red and gold dorms because Lily and Marlene were, more often than not, in the common room and tended to shoot her looks that the girl supposed were meant to look menacing.  

If Marlene McKinnon and Lily Evans thought they could actually scare Nephera Winchester, they could only be described as delusional. 

Alas, the girl avoided the tower, in favor of not getting into an argument with the two, more for James's sake than hers or theirs. 

That day, though, was an exception, for it was Remus Lupin's eighteenth birthday. It was early in the morning, and everyone had a few hours until they were supposed to wake up, but Nephera had decided to leave at the dead of dawn for another reason. 

She had missed sleeping next to Sirius, the past few nights having been spent down at the dungeons were particularly cold, and she missed the human heater she got to call her boyfriend. 

So, she snuck through the portrait fo the fat lady, willing her to keep quiet and not wake everyone up, and climbed up the stairs to the marauder's dorm. She set Moony's present on his nightstand, a gift card from Honeydukes, which would allow him to buy as much chocolate as he wanted for free for the next month. 

Sneaking a look into the werewolf's sleeping figure, to ensure that he hadn't woken up, she smiled and then moved over to Sirius's bed, sliding the curtains open to find him hugging a pillow. 

Barely being able to contain a laugh at the adorable state of her boyfriend, she decided to have some fun and transformed into her animangus, creeping on the bed and nudging his cheek with her nose. 

Sirius woke up with something heavy next to him, and he twisted and turned in the blankets, "We're not children any more Prongs, go back to your own bed," he grumped 

The boy extended an arm, presumably to push James off the bed, only for his palm to meet soft fur, "I swear, if you've transformed into a bloody deer on my bed-" he said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes

His face lit up when he saw an admittedly very annoyed panther looking at him, "Oh, hi love," he said, scratching behind her ears

The animal purred and leaned into his touch, transofmring back into Nephera in the process, "So you feel something on the bed and your first thought is James?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow 

Sirius let out an incomprehensible string of words moving so he was lying fully on top of her and nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck, "Early," he mumbled, placing a kiss on the soft skin there. The Slytherin understood what he was trying to say, and raked her fingers through his hair gently, lulling him to sleep, as well as herself in the process.

A few hours later, James woke up first, as usual. It didn't take long for the fact that it was Moony's birthday to register in his mind, and he crept up to Peter's bed to wake the mousy boy up before the two of them walked over to Sirius's bed. 

They flung open the curtains only to find the two purebloods curled up around each other before they got startled awake by the sudden light and sound. Sirius snapped up, placing himself in front of Nephera, and scowled once he saw that it was not, in fact, Voldemort that was attacking them, but rather James. 

"Get up you lazy asses," whisper-shouted Peter, "It's Moony's birthday," 

The two immediately shot up at the reminder, running around the room to get everything ready. Sirius pulled out the box with the cake that the house-elves had baked last night from his closet, while Peter started lining up the candles and lighting them up. James left to go fetch the girls, who also insisted on being there for the werewolf. 

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