chapter sixty-four

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August 31st - Undisclosed location

"Hello Mrs. Winchester, long time no see," drawled Voldemort, looking down at her




Disappointment for allowing herself to get caught off guard.

There were another four Death Eaters there, all of them wearing masks, alongside Voldemort himself.

Panic immediately started setting into her. The weight of the silencing manacles was heave on her wrists, and she was already feeling the dullness from the lack of magic in her veins.

On top of that, the room she was in was an exact replica of her old one, back in Winchester manor. The appearance of the room had long since been associated with the memory of the cruciatus curse in her mind.

Despite that, she willed herself to look Voldemort in the eye, keeping her expression as neutral as possible, "You've done some decorating," she sighed, looking around the room, "Smart, really smart, Tom. You're getting better at the emotional aspect of torture, I'll give you that,"

Compartmentalize, Nephera, push it all back and focus on the situation at hand and how to get out of it, she kept telling herself, not permitting her emotions to take over her

The Death Eaters all laughed, and Voldemort especially looked pleased with himself, "I could've just thrown you in a dungeon, you should be thanking me,"

"Yes, I'm sure that would be a huge boost to your ego," she snapped back, "Forgive me for not wanting to do so,"

"Witty as always," he sighed, "Well, aren't you going to ask what you're doing here?"

What was she doing here?

She thought back to everything that led to the moment she was grabbed and taken.

They had been waiting for her outside her apartment, in the dark, but they didn't grab her immediately. No, the first thing she felt was someone pulling some of her hair.

What did they want with her hair?

She froze when she realized what Voldemort's plan had been all along.

Polyjuice Potion.

Of course, that's why he had sent someone to find as much information as possible about her. He must've known about the fact that Dumbledore had some form of a secret organization, and that she'd be recruited for it after the events of Easter.

It was a simple plan, yet genius.

What Tom hadn't factored into the equation, of course, was that no one could ever act like her.

Nephera could only hope that the rest would catch up on it soon. They probably would, she thought. Assuming that the impostor was acting on information given to them by Lestrange and Dolohov, there was much they didn't know, which could lead to mistakes, which could lead to them realizing that it wasn't really her at Hogwarts at the time.

Remus's lycanthropy, the fact that she was an animangus, the kiss that almost- 

Oh Merlin, the kiss. 

The brunette had told Dolohov that she didn't really like Sirius as a way to poke fun at the boy who was hiding in dog form, and she could only assume that the Death Eater had given the impostor that information. So, whoever was in her place would act as though they hated Sirius. 

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