chapter one hundred and twenty-nine

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July 13th - Burge's Point 

Order missions definitely sounded more interesting coming from Nephera's mouth than they were in real life, thought Sirius. Well, he supposed that wasn't always the case, but it definitely was in that specific point in time, for the Gryffindor swore that he'd off himself if he had to spend another second hiding behind a bush with Derek Shepherd, of all people.

The Aurors and Order members were scattered all around the area, waiting for the Death Eaters to arrive. The Aurors would go first, and then Moody would make a show of calling for reinforcements in order to protect Nephera's plan about using Theo, "Tell you what mate," said Darek, chewing on an apple, "No offense or anything, but I'm kind of bummed Moody didn't enforce male-female pairings like other times, you know,' 

Sirius leaned back against a boulder, smoking a cigarette, "Trust me, Shepherd, I'm not over the moon about being here with you either," he snarked, rolling his eyes 

For the past hour, the Ravenclaw had been talking, incessantly, about things that could not interest Sirius in the least bit, "Yeah, I get it, I mean, you'd much rather be here with your friends, right? Potter, Lupin, and the rest," 

"Look at that, you got one thing right," 

Derek snorted, shaking his head, "Fine I get it, not one for small talk," he mused, throwing the apple core behind him, "Hey, how come Moody didn't let Winchester tag in, I'd feel better knowing she was here having my back," 

Sirius glared at him, "Well, I feel better knowing she isn't here," he countered, "Merlin, when are they going to be here? I want to get this over and done with," 

"Don't worry, you'll get your fill of adrenaline soon," laughed the other boy, but he quickly shut up when a sound caught his attention

The two boys quickly sobered up, leaning forwards and peaking from behind the shrubbery to see about a dozen and a half bursts of black smoke land about half a kilometer away from where they were hidden. Sirius went to jump up, wand already drawn, but Derek stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder, "Not yet," he hissed, "We need to wait for Moody to call on the supposed reinforcements," 

"Right," coughed Sirius, leaning back slightly 

He couldn't deny that he was just as excited as he was scared. As juvenile as it sounded, he felt like this was the ultimate revenge to Walburga, fighting on the side of the blood traitors and taking down blood supremacists, he almost wanted to snap a picture and send it to her, maybe it would finally kill the old bat. 

The fifteen Aurors were outnumbered, and the two boys shared a look, debating whether they should actually jump in, but when they saw Moody's silver lion disappear into thin air, they knew that they had the go-ahead and they wasted no time in rushing forwards. 

If he was honest, Sirius couldn't remember much of the fight. He remembered running towards James, Remus, and Peter, he remembered exchanging some snarky remark with James over who could catch the most Death Eaters, but the rest of it was a blur in his mind. 

Spells were flying everywhere, to the point where sometimes, he lost track of who was on his side and who wasn't, even with the long, black, cloaks and Death Eater masks the other side wore. Despite the fact that there were more Order members there, the Dark Lord's followers were fighting dirty, using dark magic to gain an advantage on the Order. 

"We're not winning like this," he muttered to himself, throwing up a shield spell which barely managed to block the blood curse sent his way 

Remus stagged towards him, shooting his own spells in the process, "You alright, Pads?" he asked, ducking and pulling Sirius with him 

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