chapter seventy-one

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tw: disrespect of religion (there uh, might be an instance of burning a church, so if that shit makes you uncomfortable, just, skip that part)

October 20th - Marauder's Dorm

The four marauders had just come back from Dumbledore's office, where Moody had informed them that they'd officially be stopping the search for Nephera. It had been almost two months since she had first gone missing, a little over one month since they had found the impostor, and while no one wanted to believe it, everyone knew she was dead.

The news hit the four boys hard, so hard, that they had forgotten about their differences and were now back in their dorm, sitting in a circle with a bottle of firewhiskey in the middle.

Last year, they had started out just the four of them, as it had always been. Then, they made friends with the three people they never thought they'd see eye to eye with. And now, well, now they were back to four.

"I'm sorry," breathed Peter, "I know it doesn't mean much but..."

James nodded, handing him the bottle, "You were out of line," she said

"I know,"

"Completely ridiculous and an asshole," added Sirius

"I know," said the mousy boy again

"I don't regret punching you," commented Remus, taking the bottle from Sirius and bringing it to his lips

"I know," repeated Peter

The curly haired boy sighed from next to him, "But you're our friend, wormtail, and whether you've fucked up or not, we've got your back,"

Pettigrew smiled for the first time in many days, "It's just the four of us now," he said

"I just-" the raven-haired boy drew in a breath, "I know it sounds stupid, but I don't think she's dead. And, I know it's probably denial but, I don't know, figured it feel different if she was,"

The werewolf shook his head, "I hope you're right, I really fucking do,"

James noticed the conversation taking a sad turn, and tried to switch it around, "If you had told me, two fucking years ago that we'd be sad about Nephera fucking Winchester dying,"

This drew out laughs from everyone, although they were empty, "If you'd told me two years ago I fancied her," continued Sirius

The others exchanged a glance, knowing that Sirius felt much more than just a simply liking for Nephera, but didn't say anything, "Imagine if the hat had placed her in Gryffindor," commented Peter

James snorted, "With all the pranks she's pulled on us over the years? She'd definitely be a marauder,"

"Oh Godric remember the time in fourth year, where she hexed Moony and made him speak in rhymes?" laughed Peter

"Oi, you're one to talk! Didn't she slip you a potion that turned your hair green once?" retorted the werewolf

Sirius laughed as memories of the two flashed in front of his mind, "At least she didn't try killing any of you," he snorted, taking another swing of the alcohol before passing the bottle to James

"What would her nickname be?" asked James, "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and...?"

"Midnight? Because the panther's black?" suggested Peter, but the rest groaned as Sirius through a pillow in his face

"Definitely not, she'd actually kill us if we ever called her that,"

James nodded in agreement, "Moony's right. What was it that Ellie had said, that the panther was sometimes a symbol of darkness and death?"

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