chapter one hundred and fifteen

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April 14th - Hogwarts Express

The group of boys had once more found themselves in the familiar compartment in the train, and for a moment, it appeared as though nothing had changed from their first year when they all found themselves sitting there for the first time.

But that was not the case, for all four of them knew that there was much that was different in the world compared to that first train ride. Still, while the world around them may have changed drastically, the four boys hadn't, as James was throwing Bertie Botts every flavor Beans into Peter's mouth, "Yes!" he exclaimed, "Told you we'd get twenty of them, Pads, our four galleons,"

The raven-hared boy grumbled a response, his hands digging into his pocket for the money, "Thank you," grinned Peter, but then his face turned serious again, "The full moon's tomorrow, isn't it?"

"The day after tomorrow," corrected Remus, leaning his head against the window and closing his eyes, "And I can already tell it'll be a bad one,"

James shook his head, "It's only one night, and we've had far worse in the past... Need I remind you how we became friends with Nephera, Ellie, and Tony?"

Even though that night wasn't one of Remus's favorites, nor proudest, it brought a smile to the werewolf's face, "Shit was much simpler back then, wasn't it?"

"Not simpler," said Sirius, "Just different, very different,"

And it was true. It had only been a year and a half since that night, but their lives had changed far too drastically after that They had befriended the three people they seemed to hate the most, then they'd lost two of those people, and almost lost the third, and now they were heading for their final months at Hogwarts, "You can say that again," snorted Peter

A few compartments down, Nephera and Alice were sharing a blunt between the two of them, the brunette smiling as she looked at the Gryffindor trying to inhale the smoke for the first time, "I'm a bad influence," she mused, taking the drug back

Alice coughed, "This war is a bad influence, it makes you want to forget about everything around you,"

"Worried about Frank?" asked the Slytherin, opening the door of Crookshank's carrier so the cat could settle on her lap

Alice nodded, extending an arm to pet the cat's head, "He's gone on a mission, with the Prewetts, over in Italy," she explained, "There were rumors of a small foreign branch of Death Eaters there, you-know-who's influence is growing,"

Nephera shook her head, "I doubt it," she said, "He won't make any moves in foreign land until he's done with Britain, and we won't let that happen. But it's good that Moody sent them there, it rattles Mr. No-nose to know that we're keeping an eye on everything,"

The pixie-haired witch sighed, but nodded her head in agreement, "I just wish it wasn't Frank, why did he ahve to be an Auror? Couldn't he be a bloody librarian or something?"

"He'll say the same thing next year when you're in training," pointed out the Slytherin, "Besides, as someone who's been in Frank's position, you don't really have a choice. If you sit on your ass and do nothing, you feel like a coward, wasting away,"

The Gryffindor did not reply to that, simply taking another hit off of the blunt that had almost run out, "Then you understand how Sirius feels," she pointed out, exhaling the smoke, "Where are they anyways, the guys?"

"In their own compartment," yawned the brunette, the weed in her system making her sleepy, "Figured I'd give them some time alone, I feel like I'm intruding nowadays,"

"Please, those boys love you more than life itself,"

"I know, just figured they needed some time to do their guy stuff, compare dick sizes and whatnot,"

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