chapter fifty-four

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June 11th - Ellie's house 

The Hufflepuff's house was the exact definition of what a 'home' would look like, at least in Nephera's opinion. It was made out of brick, two stories high, and was filled with an exorbitant amount of small decorations, pillows, and blankets. There were large windows everywhere, filling the house with sunlight and warmth, and providing an excellent view of the beach, which was a few feet away from the garden. 

The garden in itself was rather large, with a comfortable seating area made out of armchairs and hammocks, a bed of flowers, planted by Ellie's father, and green grass, which extended down towards the shore and slowly blended in with the sand, eventually leading to the sea. 

At the moment, Nephera was having dinner with Ellie's family and was being bombarded by questions about the wizarding world. She figured Ellie must've warned them against mentioning anything about her parents and upbringing because the older couple strayed away from the subject completely. 

"So, Nephera, what group are you in school?" asked John, Ellie's father 

"Dad, I've told you they're called houses, not groups, and Nephera's in Slytherin," 

"Is that the brave one?" asked Linda, Ellie's mother

Nepehra blanched at the insinuation that she was, Salazar forbid, a Gryffindor, "Merlin, no, it's the one for the cunning and ambitious. The brave one is Gryffindor,"

"I would've been in Gryffindor," exclaimed Timmy, the blonde's younger brother, puffing his chest out "Everyone always said I've very brave," 

The brunette and the blonde exchanged a look, before laughing loudly, "Gryffindors are more stupid than brave, Tim," said Ellie "We should know, most of our friends are from there,"  

"Am I going to meet them?" asked the small boy excitedly 

"They'll be here two days before you leave, the rest of the girls will come the day you leave for Grandma's," 


The older couple laughed at their son's excitement, and continued asking more questions, most of which Nephera found quite funny, but then again, that was probably what she looked like when she asked about muggle culture. 

"Ellie tells us you can perform magic outside of school since you're seventeen," stated John, and the Slytherin immediately knew what he meant 

Checking that all the curtains were closed and no other muggles could see what was happening, she flicked her wrist and filled Ellie's empty glass with water. The three muggles stared in awe, obviously never having seen magic being done in front of them before. 

"I want one of those to clean the dishes," muttered Linda "Can you do more?" 

Ellie piped in, happy to see that her parents liked her best friend so much, "Neph's amazing at spells! What she just did, wandless magic, not everyone can do that so easily!" 

"What else can you do? Do something cool!" exclaimed the young boy, clapping his hands and staring at her in awe 

The brunette flicked her wrist again, levitating the boy out of his seat slightly, making him squeal in excitement, "This is so awesome, Ellie why can't you do this?" 

"I will be able to do it August," explained the girl "I have to be seventeen first," 

"Boring," muttered the boy, and his parents shot him a firm glare 

"We'll see how boring it is when I start hexing you," 

The brunette was surveying the interaction carefully. She couldn't help but wonder how different her life would be, if she had been raised by a family like that one, instead of the Winchesters. Perhaps she would've been placed in Gryffindor, instead of Slytherin, the hat almost placed her there anyways. 

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