chapter one hundred and one

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warning: smut (badly written smut) (very badly written smut) (you have been warned) 

March 1st - Hogwarts

A lot had changed in Hogwarts over the past few days. After Nephera had returned from her two-day excursion, she had stashed the bottle of Basilisk Venom in the marauder's dorms, until Regulus could figure out where Nott would hide the diadem. 

It still wasn't decided whether or not they'd destroy it yet, for there was always the possibility that Voldemort would be able to feel if a piece of his soul was destroyed, but it felt good having a plan and being one step ahead from the Dark Wizard. 

Dumbledore was still in the dark about the Horcruxes, and none of the teenagers felt particularly inclined on telling him. Besides, it would only raise questions on how they had managed to get such information, and then the secrecy of Regulus's double nature could come to light. 

James and Lily had made up after the fight,  although it was clear that the redhead was still grieving her parents. James was slightly vexed over Lily's treatment of Nephera, but it wasn't the correct moment to discuss it, not with Lily practically breaking apart every second of every day. 

For the sake of James's sanity most of all, Nephera had been staying at her own dorm, much to Sirius's dismay. Neither of them was sleeping well without the presence of the other, but Sirius was much worse off than his witch. Even though he knew Regulus would never let anything bad happen to the brunette, and even though he was perfectly aware that Nephera could protect herself, he still didn't like the idea of his girl sleeping in the same space as Nott, who was trying to kill her. 

Currently, Nephera had been dragged outside in the courtyard, the boys wanting to take advantage of the spring temperatures that March had brought. She was in the kitchens previously with Alice, until Remus burst in and practically kidnapped her, telling the other girl that they needed Nephera for a "marauder's emergency". 

Alice, having spent enough time with the boys to know that whenever they called an emergency, it was best to not ask any questions. 

"Remus John Lupin put me down this instant!" yelled the brunette, "I can hurt you!" 

The werewolf laughed, "You can, but you won't," he stated confidently, "And as I said, this is an emergency," 

"Can't I walk towards the emergency?" 

"Nope," replied Remus, popping the 'p' 

Eventually, they reached the part of the courtyard that was almost bordering the forbidden forest, and Remus set her down in front of the others, "Next person that picks me up and carries me anywhere is getting their head separated from their shoulders. You're lucky I wore pants today," she muttered, dusting herself off, "Now, what is this emergency, exactly?" 

The four boys exchanged a look, before James stepped forward, clearing his throat, "We need help," he stated, "As you are aware, April fool's day is a month away," 

Peter picked up for him, "And since this is our final year, we want to make it as traumatizing and fun as possible," 

"And in order to do that, we need your help," continued Sirius 

Nephera looked between the four of them with wide eyes, "You need help with April fool's, which is a month away?" she repeated their words to them 

"Yes," said Remus, smiling enthusiastically at her 

The Slytherin only gaped at them, "Children, I'm dealing with children," she muttered to herself, but then sighed, "Alright, what do you have in mind," 

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