chapter ninety-eight

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Febuary 13th - Gryffindor Common Room 

The general disappointment over the fact that Valentine's Day fell on a Tuesday had enveloped the school, for most people preferred to celebrate the holiday outside of Hogwart's grounds. The marauders, of course, had no such reservations, for they knew ways to sneak out of the school without anyone knowing they were gone. 

No, the marauders were facing a different problem, one that Nephera and Peter were lucky enough to be witnesses to. 

James was pacing back and forth, "How could you do this to me, Pads?" 

"Well, what am I supposed to do, Prongs! I have other responsibilities now!" argued back the raven-haired boy 

"Other-" James scoffed, "So I'm replaced then? You're replacing me with her?" 

Nephera and Peter were sitting on the couch, looking at the two with wide eyes and open mouths, "What's going on now?" whispered the girl 

"I have no idea," answered Peter in the same tone 

In front of them, the argument was heating up, "I'm not replacing you, James, but you know how it is! We're not kids anymore," 

"But Valentine's day has always been our thing!" 

The Slytherin in the room groaned, dropping her face in her hands, "You've got to be shitting me," she muttered 

Remus chose that moment to come back from Prefect duties, "What-" he started, seeing his two best friends at odds 

Peter laughed, "Come join us, Moony, the girls are fighting," he said, beckoning the taller boy over 

"You are despicable, Sirius Black!" yelled James, "I talked to Lily! I got her to understand that Valentine's day is an us thing!" 

Nephera, at that point, decided to intervene. Standing up, she walked over to the two, "Love, it's fine, you can go with James tomorrow," 

Judging by the expression on Sirius's face, it appeared as though Christmas had come early for the two boys, "Really?" he asked 

"Sure," replied the girl, "I could even help, would you like me to set up a nice little romantic picnic for the two of you-" she didn't get to finish her sentence, for James lightly shoved her to the side

"She's making fun of our traditions!" he whined 

"Am not!" she started 

Sirius stepped between the two warring teenagers, "Alright, relax, both of you," he said, turning to Nephera, "Thank you so much, mon coeur," 

"Mhm," replied the girl, raising an eyebrow, "But I expect something huge for my birthday in two days," 

The boy laughed, "Don't worry, you'll love it," 

"I better," she said, going back to the couch, "Now don't let me keep you two away from romantic planning," 

Looking at Peter, she flicked her wrist and conjured a chessboard. The boy was suspiciously good at the game, and the two frequently played it whenever they had some free time. 

"Shouldn't we be doing homework?" asked Peter 

The only response he got to that, was Nephera moving one of her pawns forward. Soon, enough the two emerged in the game, Remus sometimes commenting on the side while he was focusing on his Herbology assignment. 

In a way, Peter was right, the two of them really should be focusing on homework and school in general. However, all of them found that in the grand scheme of things, school didn't really matter. 

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