chapter one hundred

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February 24th - Mystery 

The island of Mystery was even better than Nephera had imagined it to be. The entire place had a rather eerie feel to it, with a fair that played a broken record on repeat, children running around, their laughs echoing around the place. A carousel was turning, never once stopping to allow the people to get on or off of it. There was a pair of swings that were rocking back and forth from the wind, although Nephera supposed it wasn't just the wind that moved them. 

People were scattered all around, lighting fireworks and letting them run around. People, most of which wore cloaks with large hoods over their heads to conceal their identities were moving from stall to stall, where lone merchants sold everything from clothing, to potions, to jewelry, to food.

In short, if there was a place where anybody could find anything they wished, it was Mystery. 

"I know you're excited," said Ailani, snapping Nephera out of her daze, "But the island goes back under in two days, so we should get a move on," 

Nephera smiled at her friend, "This is amazing," she breathed, but then an idea popped to mind, "Do you think we could find something to destroy Horcruxes here?" 

The Hawaiian witch frowned from a moment, deep in thought, "If there is something that can destroy them, this is where we'll find it," she nodded 

All thoughts of her fight with Lily were forgotten in the brunette's mind as she focused on the task at hand, submerging herself in the stalls around her. Ailani picked up multiple rocks and crystals of different uses, paying for them and stashing them in her bag carefully. 

Nephera focused more on potions, or rather, poisons, knowing that even in Kockturn Alley it was tough to find such a variety. She also picked up a few vials of veritaserum, as well as some wolfsbane for Remus. 

As she was conversing with one of the merchants, she heard a voice in her head, 'You still alive, Nephie?' asked James, and even though he was joking, the brunette could tell he was nervous 

'I'm fine, Prongs, tell the rest not to worry, I'm with Ailani,' she reassured, 'How's Evans?

'Not good, Petunia told her not to come to the funeral, I think it's all a bit too much for her at the moment,' 

Nephera frowned as she was looking at an array of amulets, 'I don't mean to be that person, but you can do much better than her, and you know it,' 

She heard James laugh in her head, 'That's what Sirius has been saying, but I don't want to break it up yet. We're just going through a rough patch, you know? I've loved her for years, we'll work this out, I know we will,' 

 'Fine' she yielded, 'But if she puts a hand on you again, I'm cutting it off of her,' 

'Deal,' joked the boy, 'Don't be gone too long, Pads is worried, no matter how much he doesn't want to show it,

She shook her head at that, and despitethe fact that she was thousands of miles away from the marauders, she was sure they knew what she was doing. 

"Ra, I have to go meet up with someone," said Ailani, "Business deal, will you be okay all alone?" 

Sighing, she turned to look at her friend, "Go, Lani, I'm not a child," 

The Hawaiian witch smiled and went on her way, heading to meet up with one of the permanent residents of the island to strike a deal. Nephera stopped walking for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. 

Ailani was right when she said that if there was anything that could destroy a Horcrux, they'd find it on Mystery, the problem was how. She couldn't exactly go around asking for it, that would draw too much attention, and if she knew about this island, so did Voldemort. 

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