chapter one hundred and five

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April 1st - Great Hall

Every student was practically trembling in fear as they walked through the corridors that morning all the way to the Great Hall. Older students could be seen walking with a stick in front of them, in order to check for any traps or jokes, while younger students had taken to running as fast as possible in order to avoid them.

In short, the fact that it was the marauder's final year in school, and that they were teaming up with Nephera for April fool's day had become widely known around the school, and precautions had to be taken by students and teachers alike.

One house, however, was much more relaxed than previous years, and that was Slytherin. The feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin was notorious, and so the green and silver house was often the center of the worse types of pranks from the four rowdy boys. This year, though, now that Nephera and the marauders were temaing up, the Slytherins could rest easy, knowing that they would get pranked, but no worse than other houses.

Breakfast was tense, everyone refusing to eat until someone else tried the food first, in fear that there was some sort of potion hidden in the mix. First years, in this case, acted like sheilds of some sort, for they had yet to get used to the marauder's tricks, and so didn't know how to be cautious.

Peter grinned from behind his glass of pumpkin juice, "This is incredible, look at everyone,"

"Especially Snivvelus, and his silky hair, and his perfect bone structure-" joked James, but was interrupted by a swat in the back of the head, courtesy of Peter

Remus too snorted out a laugh, "Merlin they're all terrified,"

"Can you blame them?" asked Nephera, "Previous years have been traumatizing,"

"So why exactly are we not doing anything today?" asked Sirius, James agreeing with him

Nephera shook her head while grabbing some more pomegranate seeds , "Because," she explained for what seemed like the thousandth time, "That was everyone's stressed all day long about what you'll be doing, the best pranks are psychological,"

"And then, by the end of the day when everyone's relaxed," continued Remus, "We hit, and we hit hard,"

Nephera, as usual, was right, for the entire day, people were jumping at every single noise or flash of light they saw.

Their first class of the day, Transfiguration, was by far the most interesting, for McGonagall never believed for a second that the five rowdy students hadn't planned anything, especially when they showed up late to class that day.

"Boys, and girl," asked the Professor, "Care to explain why you're so late?"

The five of them moved to sit at their designated seats, "No reason, Minnie, no reason at all," shrugged Peter

"So you five are not planning anything?" she asked again, raising an eyebrow

They all grinned at her but offered no further explanation, simply unsettling the Professor and the rest of the students more. What the rest of the people didn't know, though, was that it was all part of Nephera's plan.

Every now and then, a controlled explosion set up earlier by Peter would sound across the stone walls of the school, everyone jumping in response. The mousy boy had a slight obsession with fire, which certainly came in useful that day.

With every explosion happening, the students and teachers of Hogwarts tensed even further. Nephera shared Potions with the Ravenclaw's next, and Slughorn was staring at the star student of his house with significant apprehension, "Ms. Winchester," he asked, "Anything I should worry about?"

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