chapter twenty-four

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January 9th - Marauder's Dorm 

Ellie woke up groggily, a dull ache on her head and her stomach churning. As the sensation worsened, she rushed to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach. Peter woke up from the noise and ran into the bathroom after her, holding her hair up. 

"What the bloody hell did we drink last night?" he asked 

"I have no idea,"  

"Okay, okay, one last shot!" slurred James "Muggle vodka, tequila, or firewhiskey?" 

"I don't know," replied Ellie, drawing out the last word "Oh, why not all three?" 

The curly-haired boy shot the blonde a questioning look and watched as she enlarged the shot glasses, pouring an equal measure of all three drinks into them. Ellie handed him the drink, and they exchanged one final look before drinking the mix, cringing and gagging at the taste. 

"That probably wasn't the best idea, was it?" she asked again 

"Definitely no-" replied Peter, but was shoved to the side by James, who took Ellie's place over the toilet and started hurling as well 

Peter paled once he saw the state of his friends hair, "Prongs, mate, I don't want you to panic-" 

"What do you mean you don't want me to panic? That's what you tell someone in order to get them to panic!" exclaimed the boy while being shoved to the side by Ellie who continued to throw up 

Peter didn't know what to say. James's hair had always been a mess, refusing to stand down even when he used copious amounts of his father's potion, now, however, he missed looking at that curly-haired mop. Mainly because half of it was shaved off horizontally, leaving the front half of his head bare, and the other half a mess of hair. 

"Oh crap James," said Ellie, wiping her mouth, once she saw the state of her friend 

James stood up, ignoring the pain in his head and stomach, and looked in the mirror. Once his eyes fell on top of his semi-bald head, he let out an undignified shriek, "Who did this?" 

"Potter, Potter mate come here," said Tony, gesturing towards him "I have a tip- a tip for Quidditch," 

James perked up in his drunken state "What?" 

"You need to shave your head," 

"What? No! I like my hair!" 

"Why?" asked the Ravenclaw, not understanding why the boy would like his mess of hair that much, "Doesn't matter, if you shave it, you'll be faster on your broom. Muggles call it aerodynamics." 

"Spectre!" she growled, running out of the bathroom and opening the curtains of Remus's bed, only to close them right after "Apparently convincing me to shave my head is a fucking turn on, huh?" he shouted to the closed curtains 

Remus's head popped out, a sleepy and annoyed expression on his face, "Prongs, what-" he didn't get to finish his question before he took in the state of his friend and fell back laughing

"It's not bloody funny!" 

"What's not funny?" grumbled Ellie, "Oh Salazar, Peter what's that on your back?" 

Everyone turned around to find Peter changing his shirt, revealing a large rat tattoo on his back. 

"What, what?" he asked, turning around trying to see his back 

He moved to the mirror and turned around, his jaw falling slack and his eyebrows reaching his hairline, "This isn't permanent, is it?" 

"I think it is mate," cringed Remus

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