chapter thirty-eight

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April 11th - Potter Estate 

It was the night before they were supposed to return to Hogwarts, and Nephera was sitting on the roof of the Potter house alongside Ellie and Tony, smoking and taking in their last moments of freedom. 

It was late at night, or rather early in the morning, and the three teens were enjoying the moment of calm and quiet after the two weeks of Quidditch matches, pranks, and stupid arguments over chess. 

"There's a war," stated the Hufflepuff, as though she was just now registering it 

"Yeah, there is," replied Tony, not knowing what to say 

"We'll make it," asserted the brunette "We still have to go to that island," 

"Look at Nephera, being optimistic for once," 

"Shut up El," she snarked, shoving her playfully 

"What  did Dumbledore want?" asked Tony

Nephera sighed, taking a drag out of her cigarette and turning her head to look towards the horizon, "I'm not allowed to tell you. And besides, it's best if you don't know," 

"Oh cut the crap. We've always done everything together, nothings' changed now," snapped Ellie 

"I'm serious, Dumbledore told me not to-" 

"Oh, so what, you trust him now?" replied the Ravenclaw 

The two were becoming increasingly frustrated with the girl's secrecy. She had done the same thing by not telling them about the situation at the manor, and that had ended up with her almost dead in a bed at St. Mungos'. 

"I don't trust him, in the slightest, but you don't need to be involved in this, it's dangerous," 

"So what, we're not capable of it? Only the great Nephera Winchester can be in dangerous situations?" exclaimed the Hufflepuff 

"No, El, but shit- I- You tow are the first people I've ever cared about, and if you die," she trailed off, thankful for the darkness covering up the flush in her cheeks due to the rare outburst of emotion 

"And how do you think we feel?" asked Tony "Last time you said you said you didn't want us involved, was with your parents, and we all saw what was inside the pensieve," 

"But I'm fine, aren't I?" 

"Barely!" shouted Tony, and then immediately looked around once he realized how loud his voice was 

"I promise, that when I get the chance to tell you, I will. But for now, this has to be kept a secret," she whisper-shouted 

Tony stood up, angry at the girl and the fact that she was once again keeping secrets from him, and walked back inside through the window. 

"He has a right to be mad, you know," said Ellie, following behind the Ravenclaw 

Nephera leaned back on the roof, throwing away her cigarette which had now almost burned away, and raised her arm, pretending to strangle the air in front of her. 

"Angry?" asked Lily, climbing up through the window 

"No, this is just how I express my undying love and affection," snapped the Slytherin 

Lily looked at her pointedly, knowing that this was just Nephera trying to let out her anger, "Don't expect an apology, you walked out here knowing I was mad," said the Slytherin, feeling her gaze 

"I didn't expect you to," shrugged the redhead "I never got to properly thank you, for putting me and James together," 

"Just don't hurt him, Evans," she shrugged, flicking her wrist and making her flask appear "He's a good guy. And I suppose you meeting his parents didn't exactly go as expected..." 

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