chapter one hundred and nineteen

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May 1st - History of Magic 

History of Magic was the perfect class for someone who wanted to think in peace, without being interrupted, mostly because no one was paying attention and everyone was lost in their own minds. Nephera Winchester was no exception to that rule, Professor Binns lecturing provided her with the perfect backdrop to think about the one thing that had been bothering her for months: the Horcrux. 

The vial of Basilisk venom she had bought from Mystery was still safely tucked away in Sirius's bedside table, but it was completely useless unless they found someone who spoke Parseltongue, in order to activate the Horcrux so they could destroy it. 

However, Parseltongue was a language spoken by very few people in history and an even smaller number of alive ones. Ironically enough, the only person she knew who spoke Parseltongue was Voldemort, although she doubted that he'd be too keen on helping them destroy a piece of his soul. 

The language of snakes, she thought, Riddle did keep the Slytherin theme all throughout, she'd give him that. 

One thing she couldn't understand was why those specific items? Why the Diadem and the Cup of all things? Surely, it would be easier to make a Horcrux out of a galleon or something, let it be transferred from hand to hand, it would surely be a lot harder to trace that way. 

Shaking her head, she stopped her thoughts from wandering around and focused them back on the task at hand, how to destroy the one they had located. It was impossible, she realized, there was no way to do it unless they found a parseltongue. 

However, if there was one thing Nephera Winchester was, it was ambitious, so the word impossible didn't really resonate well with her. She kept thinking, following different lines of thought from different directions, but she kept coming up empty. 

How the fuck could they mimick a snake talking? Sure, they could try hissing at it, as James had suggested, but she doubted it would be that simple. 

Then again, maybe that's what she needed, a simple solution. Too often she spiraled down, thinking of the most complex of plans and solutions, and ignored what was right in front of her. 

Maybe stupid, was exactly what she needed in this case. 

Parseltongue, how can one mimick parseltongue? 

It was impossible for most wizards to do it accurately since the language snakes spoke was not an exact dialect-

Her eyes widened and she slapped her hand down on the table once she realized what she needed to do, "I am a genius!" she yelled, drawing the attention of everyone in the class, "Quit staring all of you, it's not like you didn't already know it," 

Professor Binns, as usual, had taken no note of the sudden outburst, and simply continued lecturing them on the witch hunts of the middle ages. Remus, who was sitting next to the girl, shot her a questioning gaze, "I know how to destroy it," she whispered, and the werewolf felt his eyes widen once he caught on to what she was saying 

"How?" he asked 

The girl smirked, a borderline evil glint in her eye, "Snakes," she said, and then tapped the rune of her bracelet thrice, thinking of Regulus's name 'Meet us in the Room of Requirement at midnight,' she told him, 'We're getting rid of a Horcrux,' 

The boy, who was all the way down at the dungeons in his Potions Class, almost dropped the ladle he was using to stir the potion, "What the hell, Black?" asked Barty, his potions partner, "You know what this potion does if it touches our skin?" 

Still slightly shocked at what Nephera had told him, the boy wasn't in any place to provide a viable excuse, "Muscle spasm," he said, "You do it, I need to stretch my arms," 

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