chapter one hundred and thirty-nine

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While the rest of the Order was busy trying to steal one half of the vanishing cabinet, Dumbledore was back at Hogwarts, in the Headmaster's study. He did not like how the last meeting had gone, a meeting that he bitterly reminded himself he had no idea was happening until it had already started. 

His entire life, he had worked for one thing, and for one thing only, power and knowledge, although he often believed that the two were one and the same. And he had succeeded. Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he was able to gain the admiration of students almost instantly, and after he was named hero in the war against Grindelwald, there were very few people in this world who did not look up and worship him. 

Those people were few and far between, not enough to form a voice big enough to be heard which left the old wizard still high and mighty in the eyes of most. 

Until Nephera Winchester, that is. 

He had known the girl was powerful from the very moment she walked into the school, Professors would often approach him, telling him about how her magic almost seemed natural, as though she simply called and it answered, not needing any further prompting. 

It also became clear to him from the very first year of Hogwarts just how smart she was. Even at eleven years of age, her understanding of human behavior surpassed that of most adults, she was destined to be a leader, not a follower. 

So really, why the hell had he ever initiated her into the Order? 

Perhaps it was because he overestimated himself, he thought he'd be able t reign her in. He was now realizing how ridiculously wrong he was, and something had to be done about it. 

Moving to the fireplace, he threw some ashes in and stuck his head through after, calling out the name of Malfoy Manor, "Tom, I know you're there," he spoke confidently 

Footsteps echoed from the other side of the fireplace, and soon, Voldemort was standing in front of him,  "To reiterate your own words," mused the Dark Wizard, "This is a dangerous game you're playing, I could just stick my hand in there and pull you right out," 

Unwillingly, Dumbledore's mind flashed back to two memories. The first one being the moment when he initiated Nephera in the Order, she had said that he and Riddle weren't as different as he thought. The second one, was Christmas when Riddle had done the exact same thing when he stuck his head in the fireplace and convinced Albus to send Nephera to Azkaban. 

That plan had failed, the girl saw right through it, but the Headmaster was smarter now, "I am here to talk about the one thing that we have in common, Tom," he spoke, "And we both know that you won't do anything until you hear what I have to say," 

Riddle wasn't an idiot, not by any means, so he knew exactly what Albus wanted to tell him. Seems like Voldemort wasn't the only one threatened by the young girl. 

Nevertheless, he acted as though he knew nothing, wanting to see just how far Dumbledore was willing to go in order to get rid of her, "Nephera Winchester, a nuisance, albeit a smart one," 

"Exactly, and one that has already put a dent on your plans for the Vanishing Cabinet. She's stolen it, creating a trap for you," explained the Headmaster, not holding back 

Voldemort never thought he'd see Dumbledore in such a borderline desperate state, and yet here he was, "Merlin, I'll have to give it to her, she's got you practically groveling," smirked the Dark Wizard, "How can you be so sure I won't write her a letter telling her what you did?" 

Now it was Dumbledore's turn to raise an eyebrow, knowing that he had gotten to Riddle, "Because if her plan fails, she falls from grace in the eyes of the rest of the Order. We could both benefit from her influence growing smaller," he said 

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