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A home and a house are very different.  For a home doesn't need to be a building, it can be an object, or a person, wherever you feel truly loved and welcome can be a home.  A house is where multiple people live, typically a family.  When Lucifer grew up she didn't grow up in a home, she grew up in a house, an abusive one.  She worked her ass off day and night to provide for her little brother because her parents spent their money on drugs and alcohol yet blamed poor Lucifer when the lights got shut off.  She was so close to saving enough money to escape with her little brother, yet one night he made a mistake and left his room when Lucifer wasn't home. 

He couldn't handle the pain the way his sister could.  When she came home that night she found her ten year old brother in a pool of his own blood and their parents where no where to be found.  She was 17 when this happened her parents never came back.  After having to burry her brother alone she walked to a bridge ready to join her brother. Little did she know a man was watching her and that man would change her life.


"Dom?"  Othello knocked on Dominic's office door.

"Come in."  He responded as he placed the note he was holding under his laptop so his sister wouldn't see it as she walked in his spacy office.

"Hi bubba, what are you doing?"

"Nothing much, I'm just finishing up some paper work."

She nodded her head, "Okay, can I talk to you when you're not busy?" She asked her brother with her heart beating a mile a minute scared to tell her brother that she was omnisexual.

"Of course! I don't think I'll be able to talk tonight though, I need call someone and then they'll be coming over." She nodded her head again. As she exited the office he pulled out his phone and called someone.


"Yes sir?" Responded the raspy female voice.

"Lucifer? I need your help, can you come to the house later, around 8?" Seeing as it's 4 now.

"Yeah sure. What's wrong?"

"I need help and your the only one I would trust with it."

"Sure, I'll be over by 8."

Lucifer put the phone down and picked up the abandoned paint brush. Two hours later the time showed 6 o'clock and she put down the paint brush and looked at the painting. A painting of a little boy swinging on swings smiling with a beautiful landscape around them. She stood up and walked out of the room and headed downstairs for the bathroom in her bedroom. She turned on the hot water and stripped out of her clothing which was a pair of gray sweatpants and a black sports bra.

She stepped in the shower and the water ran over her scar and tattoo covered body. She washed her short brown hair and then her body and rinsed. Stepping out of the shower she wrapped a large towel around her body and then used a smaller towel to dry her hair.  She went to her closet and pulled out a pair of black boxers, black sports bra, white socks, black ripped jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. 

She pulled on the clothes and went to finish drying her hair, she had no need for a hair dryer seeing as her hair isn't that long.  Lucifer brushed her teeth and then walked back out of the bathroom and started to tuck her shirt into her pants and then put on her watch, her rings, her chains that hook on her belt loop and then she tugged on black combat boots.  She walked out of her bedroom and saw it was 7:29.  She grabbed her wallet and keys from the coffee table the sat between the couch and the fireplace with the tv above it.

She walked out to her car, sat down in the drivers seat, and turned on the car then pulled out of the driveway.  Thirty minutes later she was pulling up to her bosses mansion and was stopped by the guards that stood outside.  One look at her car was all it took for them to open the gate for her to pull in.  She sat in the driveway for a few moments before turning off her car and stepping out. She walked up to the front door and looked down at her watch and it read 8:00. Lucifer knocked gently on the door then waited a few moments. Othello slowly opened the door with a soft smile on her face, when her eyes landed on Lucifer her eyes widened. She blinked a few times before speaking.

"Hello." She said happily with a smile.

"Ell, who are you talking to?  Oh Lucifer, come inside we can go talk in my office."  Dominic said. She stepped inside as Othello looked at her with curiosity.

"Lucifer?"  She asked.

"Yes sweetheart, this is Lucifer, she was a friend of dads and a friend of mine."

"Oh, I'm Othello! Dominic is my older brother."  She introduced herself.

"She doesn't talk much.  Lucifer let's go in the office." Othello left as they begin to walk towards his office. Once they arrived he closed the door and sighed loudly and walked over to his desk. "I'm sorry that I called you on such short notice but I need your help with something. I got this letter earlier."  He handed her the letter and she read it.

"I'd watch our for that sister of youre, maybe youre friend to" ~youre worst nightmare

"How can they threaten us but not use the correct your and too?" Lucifer mumbled before speaking clearly. "That is your father's daughter? He spoke highly of her when he was helping me."

"Yes, she's only 18 Lucifer.  I can't have anything happen to her."

"I know Boss.  Just like normal I'll make sure your sister and family is safe, so what do you need me for now?"  Lucifer question.  Dominic took a large inhale before speaking nervously.

"I need Othello to stay with you for a few days, please.  Just until we get this sorted out.  I've been getting more and more threats on her life."  Dominic practically begged her.

"I- I don't know.  Have you even talked to her about this?  I haven't talked to anyone besides you, your father, and mother.  I don't talk much, she'll be bored out of her mind at my house."

"I'm sorry Lucifer but please it won't be forever just for a few months at most."

She thought for a moment before answering.

"Fine, we'll go and look more into the letter.  Give me until tomorrow before she goes."  She said making Dominic thank her.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now