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• towards the end there is some (small)torture I'll put '~' when it starts and ends •

Dominic and Lucifer slowly woke up, confused as they stood to their feet. They looked at each other and soon darted out of the room to be met with everyone else waking up themselves.

"Where is Cyrus and my sister?" Dominic asked no one in particular.

"I think they went in the office beside yours, sir, right before we all fainted." A voice mumbled.

Dominic turned on his heel with Lucifer following. He slammed the door open and was torn at the sight. Anger, and sadness were the only things that he could feel. The door hid the sight of his best friend, someone he loved. Cyrus laid on the floor with a dagger sticking out of his chest at his heart.  His body laid their motionless and pale.

Someone knew that they were going to go in that room, someone was waiting for them. Someone knew that Lucifer was going to find that note the minute it was placed. They knew that Dominic was going to blow up at Lucifer. They knew all of it and they were patiently waiting in the shadows like a creep.

"Someone knew what was going to happen tonight. The only people that have permission to come in the place is if their in the mafia. We have a fucking rat." Dominic whispered.

The love of his life, gone, and he was to afraid to admit it to him.  His heart was broken.  He fell backwards, his legs not being able to hold him anymore, he fell and Lucifer caught him just in time.

"Lucifer...please find them..."  He whispered,  "please make them beg.  They took him from me, they killed him, they killed the love of my life."  Lucifer looked down at him in complete shock, Dominic was straight she thought, apparently not.  Not everything is as it seems.  "They took my sister.  They took them both, I hate them."

Dominic crawled out of Lucifers arms and over towards Cyrus.  He softly picked up his head and rested it on his thigh. Dominic ran his fingers through Cyrus hair and whispered softly to him.

"I loved you, you son of a bitch, why did you leave me." His voice cracked as a tear escaped from his left eye. "You left me, we were supposed to grow old together. Who's going to ship Lucifer and Othello now? I can't sail that ship by myself, we didn't even come up with a name for them. You're such a bitch, you left me all alone. Who am I supposed to bother now, who am I supposed to go to when I'm crying?  I love you and always will."  His voice got quieter and quieter as he spoke.

The tears didn't stop. They ran down his face like they were racing, seeing which one could drop to the ground first not one slowly down. Dominic leaned his head down and softly kissed the crown of Cyrus's head. Lucifer watched him and for the first time she felt something other then anger. She felt sadness, she felt worry and fear. Othello was also gone, kidnaped. She marched out of the small room and into the main room where everyone was waiting.

She stood in the doorway and her eyes scanned over everything and everyone; watching for any movement or anything that looked out of place watching everyone's body language, and then she stopped. Her eyes landed on the person that brought them the second note, his eyes darted across the room not being able to land on anything specific and he couldn't sit still.

"He knows something." Lucifer thought to herself.  She stomped over towards him the people parting out of the way like the ocean in Moana. Her glare was deadly. Her hand shot out and wrapped around his throat and then pulled him towards her. She looked him in the eye and glared down at him.  His eyes accidentally met hers, then suddenly the smell of urine filled everyone sense, he pissed himself. He was shaking, his body pale as a sheet of paper, tears stung his eyes as he whimpered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't- I'm sorry they forced me."  He cried.

She dragged him to her play room, no one needed to say anything.  His eyes meet the board that read "abandon all hope ye who enter here" he knew he was a goner.  He always wondered what her victims felt like but now he will know exactly how they feel.  She threw him other in the corner as she locked the door and she turned towards him smirking.

She stalked toward him watching his every move, every shake, every tear, and she listened to every cry. She yanked his wrist up and hooked them together to the chain and then leaned down to his ear.

"This is the only time you'll hear my voice, the only questions I want answered is 'where are they and what do they want?' If you can succeed into answer those questions I'll let you off easy but if you don't well, you just have to see. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am." He whimpered.

She walked over towards her rows of knifes and picked out a random one, it had a long silver blade with a black handle.  She held it in one and and then she trailed her pointer finger from the bottom of the blade to the top of it, a sick smirk playing on her lips as she did.  She looked at the pathetic boy who was still whimpering and chained on the wall and walked towards him.  The closer she got the paler he became.  She gripped his shirt and cut town the front so she had easy access to his chest.

She pressed the tip of the blade on the left side of his chest and slowly added pressure, blood seeping out of the cut.  The sight of blood made a sick smile spread across her face. She dragged the blade down his chest and stopped at his bellybutton, he screamed out causing her to scoff. She took the knife away from his body and set it back down on the table and switched the knife out for a pair of pliers. She grabbed his right hand and put his pinky finger in between the teeth of the pliers and added minimum pressure to it.

"Please stop! I only know a little bit!" He begged, she looked at him keeping pressure on his pinky. "They said that they were going to take her to a warehouse. I- I don't know where but it's somewhere in France, they said that they were going to sell her to the mafia boss there, I don't know who though. That's all I could ask before they became suspicious, please they made me do it, they had me a gun point, they said they would kill me if I failed to do it."

Lucifer put the pliers back down and walked out of the room after hearing this. She walked straight into the room where she left Dominic, he was still in the same exact position she left him in with tear stained cheeks.  It didn't matter thought because anyone would do that in his shoes, he just lost the two most important people in his life: his sister and the love of his life.  So did Lucifer, she lost the love of her life.  She lost her Othello.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now