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Dominic, Cyrus, and Lucifer stood in front of everyone. Dominic in the middle, Cyrus on his right and Lucifer on his left. What a sight to see. A man with his arms crossed and can have you killed with just the snap of his fingers, beside him another man with his arms crossed too with a stone cold face on. Then on other side someone who towered over everyone, who was fuming with anger, their glare could make you want to kill yourself.

"Lets begin." Dominics voice boomed. "Over the past few weeks my little sister has been staying with Lucifer, that's why she's been here while Lucifers here. The reason she's been staying with her is because we've been getting threats from someone. We don't know who because their all anonymous. The first letter read: 'I'd watch that little sister if I were you ~anon.' The second letter read: 'What a shame, what a shame. That darling Othello looked quite beautiful when she slept in her room. My favorite pajama set that she slept in was the light pink crop top and shorts. They were silk right? Now you have her moved but don't worry I find where she went. Othello belongs to me Dominic. You were born with a silver spoon in your goddamn mouth, didn't work a day in your life. Your time will come, you'll suffer the same fate as your old man. You will all bow to me one day, it might be tomorrow, it might not, but it will be one day. ~ anon' The reason for this emergency meet was around 4:30 I got a call from Lucifer. Someone had broken into her house."  There were gasps around the building from everyone who stood in front of them.  "Now I want everyone on high alert.  If anything happens that looks out of the ordinary come straight to either me, Cyrus or Lucifer.  No one else.  We'll meet back here in 45 minutes.  We need to look at the note that came in.  Dismissed!"

The three of them all walked into Dominics office seeing Othello curled up into a chair.  Lucifer handed over the unopened envelope.  He carefully opened it and looked at it confused.  Inside were pictures, of Othello and Lucifer inside Lucifers home.  Some were of her changing, of her eating, of her reading, but the worst ones were the ones that held what happened between Lucifer and Othello just that night.

"You fucked my sister!  She's barely even legal you dumb fuck!"  Dominic screamed at Lucifer making Othello jump.  He threw the things he had in his hands down and stormed around his desk over to him only for Cyrus to pull him back.

"No, Dom!  Calm down you punching her won't do anything."  Dominic pulled back in fuming anger and picked up the note.

"Good job, I have to say I was shocked when I realized that Milly would get feelings for someone let alone sleep with them.  Oh I'm sorry, who is Milly you might ask?  I think you know her as Lucifer.  What is the real reason Mr. Blue found her that night? I wonder how her little brothers doing- wait again sorry- he was killed."

Dominic paused from reading the note and looked at Lucifer, or Milly to see her visibly paling as he read that sentence about her little brother.

"By who you might wonder?  By me of course.  Anyway always be on your toes you never know when I'll appear.  I guess it's time to tell you who I am. ~ Luke and Shara Cris"

"Lucifer, what the hell.  What the fuck is this."  Dominic and Cyrus looked over at her to see her pale with fear for the first time in her life that he's known her.  "What they hell man.  Is my sister in danger because of you?!  What happened that day my dad found you?!"  Othello jumped once again when Dominic raised his voice.  Lucifers head snapped to Dominics.

"Watch it.  Those motherfuckers are worse than me.  I suffered way to much because of them."  She said through her clenched teeth not caring that Cyrus or Othello was in the room.

"Answer the damn question!"  He slammed his hand down on the desk.

"Come on sweetheart, let's go and let them talk."  Cyrus said ushering Othello up and out of the room.  It was silent as Lucifer gathered up the courage to speak.

"It started when I was 5. Before then a we were a happy and loving family. Then one night, all of that changed. That was the first time my mother drank a bottle of beer in front of me, she always made sure that I was in bed before her and my father drank anything. She was fired that day and I ran up to her and hugged her legs, like I normal would as soon as I got home from school. I hugged her and it made her drop the bottle. She turned around and slapped me. I didn't understand what I did. I was 5 Dominic. That's the first time my mother laid her hands on me. My father walked in after he heard the slap. He asked if I was okay. Then it was like something in her shook awake, her eyes they changed. Fast forward five years my mom would only hit me where my dad wouldn't see or hear. When I was 10 my mom convinced my father to slap me. It was their eyes. That's why I love going for the eyes. His eyes got brighter, happiness, excitement whatever you wanted to call it. It was constant. They would drink, my mother never got another job, and my father was constantly on thin ice at his work place. Fast forward another 5 years I was 15 and my mother told me I was going to have a little sibling.  I was so excited, then I realized: they were going to hurt this baby just as they were going to hurt me.  My excitement changed to fear just like that."  She paused and looked at Dominic to find him already looking at her.

"Please don't tell me..." he trailed off.

"I thought my mother would stop drinking but she didn't.  My little brother birth almost ended in a miscarriage.  I worked my ass off so when I turned 18 I could get me and my little brother out of that house.  One night when I was 17, I had a night shift.  I came back to the house and it was quiet, too quiet.  My parents were no were to be found, but my two year old brother was.  In the living room he laid in a pool of his own blood.  My parents name were Luke and Shara Cris.  My full name was Milly Lee Cris."  She finished as tears rolled down her cheeks, reliving that moment she was her little brother laying in a pool of his own blood.  "I never found out where my parents went.  I was going to kill myself that night  but your father caught me right before I jumped off the bridge.  I told him my story and help me. He kept me in the house in the woods for three years by myself.  The only human contact I had was him and your mother.  He taught me everything.  Your mother would come once a month and mother me.  You only knew about the end where your parents would come, we didn't see a need to tell you my life when I was a child because all three of us thought they died.  Your parents raised me better in the three years I knew them, than in the 17 that I knew mine."

"I'm sorry."  Dominic spoke up after a few minutes.  "I got angry, it's my little sister and then your name popped up and I didn't think, but you still fucked her and I will never apologize for scream at you in that regard."

Before she could respond it went dark.  Everything went out.  It was pitch black and then there was a scream.  Othello's scream.  Suddenly their was a certain smell in the air, chloroform.  Soon both Lucifer and Dominic when crashing to the ground.

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