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*homophobic slur in here and if you cry remember that I love you*

The three of them: Lucifer, Nathaniel, and Othello all stayed on their knees with their hands tied behind their back and a bag over their head. They heard a car pull in to where they were and a car door open.

"Well, well, well."  Luke started to speak.  "If it isn't the great and powerful Dominic Blue.  You have a bunch of secrets don't you?"  As he spoke Lucifer, Nathaniel and Othello were stuck in confusion but Dominic stared at him with a blank face but on the inside he was eating with nerves. 

"Let them go."  Dominic spoke, almost letting his desperateness slip through is voice.

"Oh, so you don't want daddy dearest knowing you're gay?  You don't want them to know that you're a fucking fag?  Don't you want them to know that Cyrus was killed because of you?"  Luke spoke in a mocking tone making Dominic and Lucifer flinch softly. "Take their head covers off." He snapped his fingers.

The people who were with him went over to Lucifer Othello and Nathaniel and ripped the bags that covered their heads off.  Nathaniel looked at his son to see him already looking at him.  Dominic looked at his father, it's been years since he saw his fathers face, it's changed. His whole body changed. From the man who used to stand with a body full of muscle and no facial hair and a clean hair cut not changed to a man who was skinny, like he was starved, and had a scruff beard and long hair with dead ends.

This is not how he wanted his father to find out about his sexuality. He wanted to tell him himself, if he ever saw him again. He has honestly started to give up hope. In the mafia if someone is missing for 2 years or more it's just expected for them to have been killed.

"Okay enough of this emotional shit."  Luke said.

"Let them go now, we had a deal."  Dominic said.

"We did?"  Luke said in fake confusion.  "I don't remember anything about a deal." 

"Don't lie, let them go you said you wanted me so let them go." 

"Oh you poor thing, you really must be as dumb as they say you are without Cyrus.  The 'deal' in question never said that I had to let them go right away."

"No! Let them go!"

"Uh how about no?"

"Bubba!" "Son!" Othello and Nathaniel called out as Luke sudden pulled a handgun and pointed it at Dominic.

"I meant what I said, once I kill you the American mafia goes to me.  I never said that I would let your family go alive."  Luke taunted.  Lucifer got out of the chains she was bounded in and jumped in front of him.

It happened all at once: the gunshot, the blood, the screaming, the crying, the shock, the heartbreak. The gunshot hit her right above the heart. She crumbled to the ground, blood was pouring out of the gunshot wound quickly.

"Lucifer!" Othello yelled, tears ran down her face as she tried to get up.  Dominic dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands quickly put pressure on the wound. He could feel her heartbeat slow down.

"Dom..." Lucifer gasped out.

"No, you shut the fuck up you son of a bitch." Dominic said as he applied more pressure on her wound with one hand and then whipped out his phone with the other hand. He called the emergency number for the mafia. "Quickly! It's Lucifer she's been shot! You need to hurry, come to warehouse 15! I don't care if you're not supposed to this is an emergency hurry up!" He screamed.

"Dom, I need to tell you something." Lucifer gasped out. Dominic looked at her with tears brimming his eyes. "If I don't make it," She coughed out with blood coming out of her mouth. "Tell Othello to go upstairs and look at my desk."

"Shut up! You're gonna make it out okay!?" Dominic said as he choked back a sob.  Othello finally broke out of the chains and ran over to them.

"Lucifer, no no no no no! You have to be okay Lucifer!" She cried.  As they were distracted Luke and his dumbass crew snuck off. Nathaniel watched the two of them still trying to get out of the chains. He watched the love his daughter for Lucifer.

It was uncommon, an angel falling in love with a demon the main one in fact. It was like something you read out of a story. Dominic felt her heartbeat beat slower and slower until he couldn't feel it anymore. They finally pulled up but they were a few seconds to late. They rushed out of the car with the supplies but stop when they saw the two of them crying over her body.  Lucifer laid there her body becoming cold, her skin being pale and her eyes losing any light that was in them. Othello cupped the side of Lucifers face.

"Bubba, bubba you gotta give her a blanket. She's cold, bubba you gotta help her, please. Please bubba!" Othello cried.

"Oh honey..." Dominic said as he walked his younger sister try to shake Lucifer awake mumbling the same thing over and over again 'come on luci wake up'.

Dominic turned his head and saw them standing behind them with their hands ducked down. He snapped his fingers and pointed to his father. They went straight to him after snapping out of their shock and started to untie him.

Nathaniel rose from the ground and walked over to his children crying over the dead body. He knelt down beside his daughter and pulled her into him.

"Papa, papa shes gone. I wanted to tell her...I never got to tell her." Othello cried as her hands and shirt had blood in them, but not as bad as Dominic.

"Never got to tell her what sweetheart?" Nathaniel asked even though he had a hunch.

"I never got to tell her that I loved her..."

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now