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Othello walked in the cold house by herself, she wore a pair of jeans and Lucifer shirt.  She walked in but stopped at the front steps that led upstairs.  She looked at the top of the stairs and she felt like crying yet again but her eyes that have been crying all week were almost dried out.

She took her first step and took another one.  A deep breath after the bed until she finally reached the top.  She waiting a few minutes in front of the door waiting, begging for Lucifer to suddenly appear and apologize for making her cry, to tell her she's still not aloud upstairs.  She was begging to herself but it didn't happen.

She hesitantly opened the door and was awe. Beautifully painted canvases littered around the room and a bookshelf rested against the wall. The main thing that drew her attention was something that was covered by a sheet. She took small and soft steps towards it.

Slowly she pulled off the sheet and a gasp escape her lips. There was a large canvas of Othello sleeping, her softly features came out in the painting.  A book she was first reading when she came to Lucifers place was tucked under her arm.  She looked over at the desk and looked at the letter that was neatly folded on the desk with her name sighed on top.  It read:

Dear My Darling Othello,

To my darling Othello, I don't know how to start out this letter.  When my little brother died I thought that I would never love anyone or anything again but that was until I met you.  I fell in love with your voice, I fell in love with your laugh, I fell in love with your smile, I fell in love with your blush, I fell in love with your eyes and hair, I fell in love with the way your nose wrinkles up when I'm speaking a different language and you're confused, I fell in love with you.

If you're reading this note it either means that you snuck in here or I'm dead.  I hope that it was just that you snuck in here but if it happened to be the second one then I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you alone in the world.  Just know that nothing could keep me from loving you not even death. The painting that you probably saw was one of many. I love you my darling, everything that I once owned is yours. This house, the books, my clothes, my paintings, my money is all yours. All of them are yours. I love you Othello.

~ love, your Luci

Othello placed the letter down, and her eyes that she though had dried eye watered up again.

"I love you too Luci." She said.  She looked around the room once more before walking out and down the stairs.

She reached the living room and collapsed sitting on the couch.  Dominic carefully walked in and stopped at the door way and stared at his heartbroken little sister as she bawled her eyes out yet again.  She wanted a happy ending where her and Lucifer loved happily ever after but that didn't happy. Oh how she would go back and time and do whatever she could do to save Lucifer. Maybe they would have been better off as strangers. She wonders if Lucifer never came to work for her father and brother if they would have met, who knows. Her hand what was originally in her lap went up to wipe her tears then she placed her hand on her stomach.

"Hi baby, it's Mama..."

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now