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As Othello sat on Lucifers lap and couldn't help but feel safe.  Without think one of Lucifers tattooed arms wrapped around her waist and butterflies erupted in her stomach.  She opened the book and started to read it as she sat sideways in Lucifers lap leaning against her.  They both sat there in silence, Othello was reading her book and Lucifer was starring off into space.  A knock on the door interrupted Lucifers thoughts, both girls looked at the door and Lucifer looked at Othello before putting her finger on her mouth and shushing her before she made a noise.  Othello slid off of Lucifers lap understanding she needed to go see who was at the door.

"Go to your room, lock the door and hide under the bed.  Don't come out unless I say it's okay."  Lucifer whispered in her ear as Othello nodded.  The shorter girl quickly walked towards the room and locked the door as Lucifer stood up and walked towards the door.  She was tense and opened it, before letting out a breath. 

"You idiot.  Why didn't you say who you were?"  She questioned the slightly shorter male at door.

"Sorry, I noticed that Othello left her teddy bear in my car so I thought I would have it to her."  Dominic spoke.

"I didn't know who you were I made her go and hide in her room."

"Oh, sorry, I need to go but I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said causing Lucifer nod.

She closed and locked the door and went towards Othellos room, knocking on the door. Othello stood up from where she was hiding and unlocked the door and opened it. She saw the teddy bear Lucifer was holding and snatched it out of Lucifer hands with a small blush on her face.  'I'm going to kill Dominic.'  Othello though as she walked out of her room and saw Lucifer sit on the couch, Othello followed her and laid next to her, resting her head on Lucifers lap.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asked in a gentle voice, Lucifer shrugged her shoulders handing Othello the remote. Othello went on Disney+ before finding the movie 'Beauty and The Beast'. As the movie played Othello slowly fell asleep with her head resting on Lucifers lap.   Seeing as Othello is asleep Lucifer turned off the tv and sat in the silence of the house, thinking.

Thinking about ways she could torture her victims, thinking about her brother, thinking about the mafia, and a thought she had often: how much shes changed since she was found by Dominics father that day nine years ago.    Lucifer moved slowly and picked Othello up in a bridal carry taking her to the room she's staying in.

Around ten o'clock Othello stirred and opened her eyes to find she was in her room. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and stood up, walking out of the bedroom. She walked into the kitchen, and the living room and saw Lucifers door open slightly. She leaned her head on the door to hear better but just heard the shower going.

She cracked the door open and stepped inside the room. A plain room with gray walls and a king sized bed pushed against the wall and then a dresser and a closet side by side.  She laid down on the bed and heard the water to the shower cut off.  A few minutes later Lucifer came out in a pair of plaid boxer briefs and a black tank top.

She froze in the doorway seeing Othello laying on her bed. Othello sat up and looked at her and smiled. She patted the set beside her on the bed even though it was Lucifers bed. She rolled her eyes and laid next to her on the bed. Othello moved her head so it was resting on Lucifers chest and she tensed under her.

"We should get to know each other more Lu." Othello spoke, breaking the silence between the two. "What's your favorite color?"


"That's a depressing color, mines white."  She giggled and Lucifer rolled her eyes.  "How old are you?"

"I'm 26, I'll be 27 next month."

"You're older then me.  I'm only 18."

"I know."

"Do you have any animals?"

"No, do you see any animals around here?"  Lucifer asked making Othello slap her arm.  "It was a little dumb of a question."

"Shut up, don't be mean.  It was a question." Lucifer rolled her eyes. "Umm...what's your full name?"

"Yeah, a stupid on.  And my full name is Lucifer M Ray."

"What does the M stand for?"

"I don't know, I wasn't invited to the name picking ceremony."  Lucifer said causing Othello to laugh.

"Didn't you ask your mom or dad about it?"

"No.  Isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

"No, I don't have a-"

"Go to bed."

"Okay." She mumbled.

She stood up and walked out of Lucifers room and into her own. She laid down on her bed and looked at the time


She closed her eyes again and slowly slipped off into dreamland.


Sorry it's shorter than the other chapters❤️

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now