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Dominic sat on the edge of his bed in just a pair of shorts and his back facing his bedroom door. His eyes looking down at his hands and his eyes watered as thoughts raced in his head. Lately he felt weird around a certain person, the person he basically grew up with. Whenever Dominic heard this person speak his mood would change from grumpy and stressed to happy and carefree. When their bodies touched he would feel tingles, he felt confused on why he felt this way.  Suddenly his bedroom door opened to reveal the person that has been occupying his thoughts for weeks.

"Hey what's wrong?" The person asked walking in front of him. They slowly raised his head.


"I asked you what's wrong Dom..."

"Oh, nothing don't worry." He said stood up.

"Of course I'm going to worry, you're my best friend." For some reason when those words left his mouth Dominic felt his heart break just a little.

"Please don't say that." Dominic whispered.

"Say what?"

"Don't say that you're my best friend Cyrus, being put in the friend zone hurts."

"Friend zone?" Cyrus trailed off in thought. "Dom, why would that hurt?"  He said softly.

"No...lately you confuse me, there is something that's happening. You won't leave my thoughts and every time I see you I feel better and I don't know what's going on." He admitted with a tear sliding down his face.

"Honey, why didn't you just say that?" Cyrus said as he reached out and whipped the tear away.

"Cause you would hate me, I thought you would hate me and I didn't want to lose our friendship." He told him and he reached his hand out to hold onto Cyrus.

Cyrus was quite for a moment and looked into Dominics eyes. Then suddenly Cyrus tilted his head and smashed his lips onto Dominics. Dominic stood there for a few seconds, frozen, before responding to the kiss.  Cyrus swiped his tongue on Dominics lower lip and Dominic opened his mouth allowing Cyrus to explore all over his mouth.

Dominics hand went up to Cyrus's hair and pulled on it softly earning a groan from him.  Cyrus gently pushed Dominic back so he was sitting and crawled on his lap and straddled him.  Cyrus detached his lips from Dominics and kisses down his jawline to his neck and down where his shoulder and neck meet.  Cyrus leaned his head up and looked Dominic in his eyes.  Cyrus moved his hip back and forth on Dominics lap and then he stopped.

"Honey, you should have just told me, we could have had a lot more moments let that."  He said winking and crawled off Dominics lap.

Dominic looked confused with a pout coming on his lips as he saw Cyrus sway his hips lightly as he walked out of the room.

"Fucking tease."  Dominic said, shaking his head.


Dominic snapped out of his thoughts as he head the door open the reveal Lucifer come back into the room and he wondered how long he was lost in thought.  Lucifer walked towards him and knelt down causing Dominic to speak.

"Did you get anything?"

"Not much, he said that their going to sell her to a French mafia." She said glaring.

"You like her." Dominic stated.

"Yes." She said without thinking.

"That's my sister out there, and the love of my life is here in front of me, dead.  Is he still alive?"

"Yes, I didn't do much, he's a weakling.  He's all yours now."

"Okay.  I need to contact one the the mafia leaders in France.  There's two that I'm aware of, one of them hates my guts and the other one is okay."  He said still looking at Cyruss body. 

Lucifer stood up as Dominic slid his arms under Cyruss body and stood up with him in his arms.  Lucifer opened the door to help Dominic exit the room. The main room of the warehouse went quiet as they saw him carry Cyrus out, they all put their heads down for respect.

Dominic followed a dirt path for a few miles, still carrying Cyrus's body, to a small shed and stopped outside the door.  Lucifer who had been following him walking into the shed and pulled out a long, wide brown cloth, lighter fluid, and a lighter.  She walked back out of shed and laid the cloth down on the ground.  Dominic kneeled back down placed him in the cloth and then wrapped him, with the help of Lucifer.  He stood back up and spoke in a weak voice.

"Can you carry him now?"  She nodded.

She handed him the lighter fluid and lighter and bent down to pick him up.  She picked him and then they started to walk a little longer to a large fire pit.  She gently placed the body that was wrapped in the cloth in the pit and then stood back up.  She looked towards Dominic and he had tears in his eyes, one lone tear escaped from his left eye. He poured the liquid all over the cloth and took a few deep breaths, he lit the lighter and put the flame on the cloth. The flames over took the body and Dominic dropped on his knees crying.

"Cyrus, why did you leave me." He sobbed. Lucifer tilted her head down in respect. "You can fire them..." he mumbled.

Lucifer looked at him to see him still looking at the burning fire pit. She reached into the waistline of her pants and brought out her hand gun. She raised her arm up in the air and fired one shot, then another, then another, then the last one. With their mafia, if someone died because they were protecting someone, when they were burned or buried, four shots were fired meaning to take a momentous silence. And they did, everyone who could hear stopped talking and hung their head down.   An hour later the fire had died out. Dominic finally stood up and silently walked down the path and Lucifer followed him.

"Let's go get the bitch who took my sister." He said in a deadly voice.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now