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It's been two weeks.  Othello sat in the cell daily, crying daily, being slapped or punched daily.  Lucifer and Dominics anger raising daily.  The past two weeks they thought have been hell, sadly they didn't know this would only the beginning.  Dominic and Lucifer have been doing everything they can to find Othello but so far nothing is working.

"Damn it!"  Dominic yelled as he slammed his fist on his desk.  "Where are these motherfuckers?" Suddenly there was a knock on the office door, Lucifer stood up from the chair in front of the desk and walked towards the door.  She opened it to reveal Miss. Lee.

"Have you gotten any closer?"  She asked in a fake concerned voice as she brought in two sandwiches.

"No..."  Dominic mumbled.

"It's such a shame...with what happened with your father and mother, and now your sister."  His head snapped up and stared at her.

"You have no right to talk about them.  Don't you dare have their name leave mouth ever again.  Do I make my self clear."  He spoke with his teeth clenched.

"Yes sir."  She said with slight sarcasm slipping in her voice.  Lucifer looked over at her.  Her face was still emotionless but on the inside she was slight confused because the only people who knew what happened to Dominic and Othellos mother were Dominic, Cyrus, Lucifer, and Nathaniel Dominic and Othellos father.  Not even Othello knew how her mother truly died, she was told that she had a heart attack in the car one day, of course that was a lie but she believed it. And with the change in her tone.  Miss. Lee walked out of the office as Lucifer closed the door behind her.  She looked towards Dominic who was still pissed and sat behind his desk.

"Hey Dominic?"


"How did she know about what happened to Mrs. Blue?" Dominic head snapped up to hers again and his face changed from anger to confusion.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest.  I don't think dad ever told her, I know I didn't."  A few minutes later there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

"Um, sir and ma'am, I don't mean to be putting my nose into anything because I wasn't just in here, but I thought Miss. Lee didn't deal with the mafia work?"  A male questioned after he walked in and closed the door.

Lucifer and Dominic looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.


"Because I just saw her go into Lucifers, um, office?"

"Office? You mean where she kills people?"

"Yes sir."

"When?"  He snapped.

"Just a few minutes ago sir.  She kind of looked suspicious that's why I came down here."  Dominic looked over at Lucifer who was already looking at him and he nodded his head.  Without telling her anything she stepped out of the office and went where the man said he saw Miss. Lee going.  She slowly and quietly opened door and walked in.  Her eyes scanned around looking for anything out of the ordinary.  She heard footsteps walking in the hall where the cells were. She saw Miss. Lee walked towards the end of the hall and stop at a cell, she reached her hand out to open it but Lucifer cleared her throat. Miss. Lee jumped and turned around.

"Oh my goodness Lucifer, don't do that." She said and placed her hand over her chest.  Lucifer just stared her as Miss. Lee began to walk away from the cell. They both left the room, Miss. Lee walking into the main room and Lucifer going back to Dominics office.

"So what was she doing in there?" Dominic asked her when she walked in.

"Not sure, she was at the cells. Do you think she had anything to do with it. She's been acting a little weird recently."

"I don't think so but," Dominic paused, "I'm still not sure who told her about mom..."

Before either one of them could speak again Lucifers phone went off. She looked down at it and it said that there was movement in her house. After the person broke in that time she immediately put in motion sensors in her house.

"I need to go to the house." She said as she walked out. She ran out to her car and drove to her house.

She pulled into the driveway and saw her door busted open. She stepped out of the car and left the door open, she took her gun that rested in the waistband of her jeans. She slowly walked through the door and looked around but found nothing. As she was walking into the kitchen there was suddenly a sharp pain in the back of her neck. She quickly reached up and pulled the dart out of her neck but it was to late. Her legs felt like jelly and could barely hold herself up. Black started to cloud her vision and fell to the ground. She heard someone walking towards her but didn't have enough energy to see who it was. The unidentified person slowly walked towards Lucifer unconscious body and kicked her side, make sure she was passed out.  Then three more people came in and tied her hands behind her back and tied her legs together.  They all lifted her up.

"Good god this bitch is heavy!"

"What are you dumb?"

"No I actually-"

"Will you two shut the hell up!  I swear I'm working with idiots." 

"Hey I'm not an idiot!"

"Quiet you dumbasses!  We need to get her back, let's go."

Quietly they all lifter her up, with a struggle, and took her out to the van.  They placed her in the back and drove off to an old warehouse.  The brought her in a cell and chained her to the wall.  They placed her in the same cell as an unconscious Othello.  Little did they know that their was a important man to both of them in the cell across from them.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now