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Dominic paced around his office muttering under his breath.

"They got my dad, they got my mom, they got my sister, they got Lucifer, they got the love of my life."  He muttered pacing back and forth and then he suddenly yelled as kicked a chair.  "What the hell did I do to them!?"

"Sir!"  A man yelled as he barged in the office making Dominics head snap up to him with a cold glare on his face.  "This letter just came from you."  The man gave him the letter and ran out of the office like his ass was on fire.  Dominic open the letter and it read:

5 down 1 to go.  The American mafia will be mine but someone is still in my way.  Who might that be?  You, Dominic.  I have a shocker for you thought.  Lucifer and Othello is still alive as of right now.  Want an even bigger surprise, so is your dad!  If you turn yourself over, I'll let all three of them go, if you don't then I'll kill them and leave their heads on your door step. 

Meet me at the place where Lucifer use to live, alone, at midnight tonight. 

~ Luke

Dominic crumble up with piece of paper and threw it at the wall furiously. He began pacing again and ran his fingers through his hair stressfully.  His mind ran through all of the possibilities that could happen.


Othello still clung to Lucifer when she spoke.

"Dad...I thought you died?"

"No, I was kept here." Before Nathaniel could speak again the man, also known as Luke, interrupted him.

"What a lovely reunion.  Anywho, if you're with me, let's go."  Luke and the people that he brought down with him left the cells leaving the cell door open.  Lucifer could finally move her body a little bit and stood up, still with Othello wrapped around her.  Nathaniel walked in the cell and had tears in his eyes.

"It's, it's really you."

"Dad." Othello slowly jumped off of Lucifer and hugged her dad. As the two hugged each other Lucifer looked around the cell awkwardly. "Dad, this is Lu!" Othello said as she stepped away from the hug and ran towards Lucifer.

"I know, we met." Nathaniel said with a soft smile on his face. He walked up towards her and pulled her in a hug making her tense. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you those years ago when you said 'bad'." He whispered to her softly.  Lucifer pulled out of the hug and gently pulled Othello between them.  "You have changed so much Lucifer."

"Dad, how do you know Lu?"  Othello asked.  Before he could answer Luke barged back into the hell of cells with a large creepy smirk on his face.

"Great news!  We're doing an switch.  Well not really a switch but you'll all end up together."  Lucifer lightly grabbed Othellos wrist and Othello grabbed her fathers hand as Lucifer pulled them behind her, protecting them.  "Oh the great protector!  Too bad you weren't this good at protecting people all those years ago."  Luke spoke again making Lucifer glare at him but still saying nothing.

Luke rolled his eyes and five new people walked in the hall. Three out of five went and struggled to pulled Lucifer away from the father and daughter, and the other two went and pulled Nathaniel and Othello away from each other. They all got handcuffed and then pulled them out of the cell one by one into a van.  Othello brought her knees up to her chest and leaned her head on Lucifers shoulder.  Nathaniel watched the pair interact with each other.

"Lu?"  She asked and Lucifer hummed.  "What's going on?"

"I don't know sweetheart, don't worry I'll make sure you'll be okay."  She told her making Nathaniels eyebrows raised in shock at how her voice changed over the years.  What felt like forever, which was really only 2 hours, they felt the van stop. Othello was asleep on Lucifers shoulder and the other two were wide awake. By this time it was midnight. 

"I hope everyone is awake!"  Luke yelled as he swung the back doors open making Othello jump away. "We're going to go visit someone." He sickly smirked.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now